Keep your investment financial records in one place. Make your gains, income and dividend easy to understand even if you use many different brokers, exchanges and different currencies are involved!
The app is as good as the data you feed it. For now it's integrated with Degiro, biggest EU stock broker.
python migrate
python loaddata finance/fixtures/exchanges.json
Data dump was created with:
python dumpdata --natural-primary > finance/fixtures/exchanges.json
Blog post I used for setup:
To call it, use
mypy invertimo
Setup in setup.cfg
To run python:
# Load environment variables:
source deployment/secrets/local.env
# Activate the virtualenv:
source venv2/bin/activate
# Run the sever:
python3.8 runserver
To run and compile JS:
npx webpack --mode=development --watch
For bundle optimization use the bundle opmtimizer, e.g. like this:
npx webpack --json > stats.json
npx webpack-bundle-analyzer stats.json static
See deployment/ for more info.
This project uses pip-compile. Example workflow, e.g. adding a new package celery
$ pip install celery
$ pip freeze | grep celery
Add the celery to the
and then recompile requirements.txt
$ pip-compile > requirements.txt