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A proof-of-concept entity resolution approach, with Tensorflow, inside a MonetDB.


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Entity Resolution with MonetDB

In-Database Machine Learning

A proof-of-concept approach on an entity resolution task, with Tensorflow for the machine learning part and everything happening inside a MonetDB instance. This project was part of the course Large Scale Data Management at the MSc in Data Science of AUEB, carried out during the Winter Quarter 2020-21.

In other words, a MonetDB database instance that performs machine learning and de-duplicates products that are essentially the same, in its own right.

Task Details

The task consists of identifying which product specifications (in short, specs) from multiple e-commerce websites represent the same real-world product.

example product spec

    "<page title>": "Samsung Smart WB50F Digital Camera White Price in India",
    "brand": "Samsung",
    "dimension": "101 x 68 x 27.1 mm",
    "display": "LCD 3 Inches",
    "pixels": "Optical Sensor Resolution (in MegaPixel)\n16.2 MP",
    "battery": "Li-Ion"

We are provided with a dataset including ~30k specs in JSON format, each spec containing a list of (attribute_name, attribute_value) pairs extracted from a different web page, collected across 24 different web sources.

Each spec is stored as a file, and files are organized into directories, each directory corresponding to a different web source (e.g., All specs refer to cameras and include information about the camera model (e.g. Canon EOS 5D Mark II) and, possibly, accessories (e.g. lens kit, bag, tripod). Accessories do not contribute to product identification: for instance, a Canon EOS 5D Mark II that is sold as a bundle with a bag represents the same core product as a Canon EOS 5D Mark II that is sold alone.

For a more detailed view of the task, the datasets, the evaluation process, see the Other References section below.

System Dependencies

MonetDB setup

The official documentation procedure should be followed, in order for your deb-based distribution to be able to install the MonetDB via the apt package manager.

To be precise, everything up until the sudo apt update command is sufficient. From there on, we will diverge a bit in order to get a MonetDB installation with embedded Python3 support, with the following commands:

# root permission may be needed here 
apt install monetdb-python3
apt install monetdb-client

# create a db farm, preferably at this project's root dir
monetdbd create ecommercedbfarm
monetdbd start ecommercedbfarm

# create a database, with python3 support enabled
monetdb create ecommercedb
monetdb set embedpy3=true ecommercedb
monetdb release ecommercedb

Now, to run a simple health check:

mclient -u monetdb -d ecommercedb  # password is the default (<monetdb>)

and run the following:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION python_healthcheck () 
LANGUAGE python {
    import sys 

    return sys.version

SELECT python_healthcheck();

this should display your system-wide Python version.

Data Loading

Make sure that the dataset is in extracted form. For example, you can use:

tar xvzf data/camera_specs.tar.gz -C ./data

All the necessary SQL statements (UDFs etc.) are available in the entity-resolution-with-monetdb/sql/ directory, with each independent component hosted in a separate .sql file.

NOTE: Also, for convenience, there is the entity-resolution-with-monetdb/main.sql available, which contains all the SQL statements together and can be used for a quicker build.

Simply cast the SQL statements, preferably in the order below, in the mclient shell:

  1. sql/cameras_loader.sql
  2. sql/specs_loader.sql
  3. sql/cameras_bulk_insert.sql
  4. sql/cameras_constraints.sql
  5. sql/specs_bulk_insert.sql
  6. sql/specs_constraints.sql
  7. sql/labels_create.sql
  8. sql/labels_bulk_insert.sql
  9. sql/labels_constraints.sql

By this point, you should have a first, working database schema.


We would like to block together cameras of the same brand. This will help us restrict the "potential matching" space, as cameras that belong to different blocks should not, in principle, refer to the same camera!

To implement the blocking step, we will need the following:

  1. sql/text_utils.sql
  2. sql/brands_create.sql
  3. sql/cameras_add_brand_id.sql
  4. sql/brands_bulk_insert.sql
  5. sql/blocking.sql


After block formation, we would also like to filter out "easy" matches, by extracting-via-heuristics and comparing the models of the cameras. We would thus end up - for each block - with a subset of cameras that match both on brand and model (and basically refer to the same camera).

To implement the filtering step, we will need the following:

  1. sql/filtering.sql


What we have gained from blocking & filtering is that we now only have to work (and eventually perform pair-wise comparisons) with the camera subsets that remained unmatched within blocks.

Before we proceed, let's make sure that Tensorflow is installed. Running the following statement in the mclient:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tensorflow_healthcheck () 
LANGUAGE python {
    import tensorflow as tf 
    return tf.version.VERSION

SELECT tensorflow_healthcheck();

should display the Tensorflow version. In case the error No module named 'tensorflow' emerges, simply install the library:

python3 -m pip install tensorflow

and perform again the health check through the mclient.

Now, onto the "matching" step.

A first crucial observation is that the labelled dataset is transitively closed (i.e., if A matches with B and B matches with C, then A matches with C).

-- # work in progress 🚧


Other References


A proof-of-concept entity resolution approach, with Tensorflow, inside a MonetDB.





