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Releases: ileukocyte/hibernum

Version 3.9.1

01 Sep 08:25
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  • Custom playlist handling optimization for the &play command
  • Track announcement fix for the &requeue command
  • The "Next Song" field for the &nowplaying command
  • The &stop command's final response gets deleted no longer
  • 90-second inactivity timer is now also launched once the bot initially joins a voice channel
  • Fix for the &guess command's response

Technical Updates

  • The staleComponentHandling property value has been updated for the &nowplaying and &queue commands
  • The default VM locale is now set at launch
  • The TrackUserData#playCount property has been removed

Full Changelog: 3.9...3.9.1

Version 3.9

15 Aug 14:10
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  • The &chomsky command
  • The "Command Help" button for the &about command


  • The /timeout command's context-menu version has been redesigned (i.e. both period and reason text inputs are present within the single modal)
  • Button pagination fix for the &queue command
  • A few functional tweaks for the &spotify command
  • Some design tweaks for the /battleship command
  • Timeout rework for the /purge command for higher efficiency
  • The "Total Duration" field fix for the &queue command
  • The success reaction has been updated for the &help command
  • The &skip command's description has been updated
  • Voice timeout update for a higher degree of consistency

Technical Updates

Full Changelog: 3.8...3.9

Version 3.8

29 Jul 14:32
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  • The /wikipedia command
  • The GUI player for the &queue command
  • The "Repeat" button for the &nowplaying command
  • Now the bot checks beforehand if it can join another voice channel (the criteria are provided in case the bot fails to join the VC)
  • The &eval command can get code input from the message a user replies with the command to


  • More video data for the &youtube command
  • The command classic text input mode removed from the /processes
  • Pagination fixes for a few commands
  • The minimal value has been updated for the &guess command
  • The /tictactoe command has been renamed into /tic-tac-toe
  • The &tti command has been renamed into &text-to-image (while preserving the former as a classic text alias)
  • Release date is now displayed in the &changelog command
  • Voice inactivity timer fix (now the bot will not send the warning in case it is already out of the voice channel)

Technical Updates

  • Reply messages handling
  • The GenericCommand#interactionName property has been added in order to avoid mishandling of interactions of commands with a hyphenated name, etc.

Full Changelog: 3.7...3.8

Version 3.7

28 Jul 09:59
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  • The &clear command
  • The "non-embed" and "modal" options for the /say slash command
  • 10-minute voice inactivity timer
  • The /sessions command now lists all types of command processes (not only the fun command ones)
  • Option auto-completion for the &processes and /sessions commands


  • A few commands have been renamed:
  • Song-on-a-loop announcement fix
  • The &processes command has been redesigned
  • A few aliases have been updated…

Technical Updates

Full Changelog: 3.6...3.7

Version 3.6

26 Jul 14:27
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  • The /sessions command
  • The "backup" option for the /eval command
  • The "mode" option for the /loop command


  • A few design tweaks for possible context-only commands for the &about and &help commands
  • Timeout handling update for the /battleship command
  • The "Key Permissions" field has been renamed into "Featured Permissions" in the &role and &user commands
  • The permission missing error message fix for classic text input commands
  • Aliases and usages are now ignored by the &help command in case the provided command is slash-only
  • The &youtube command now provides the profile picture of the uploader of a video

Technical Updates

Full Changelog: 3.5...3.6

Version 3.5

22 Jul 09:43
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  • GUI for the music player of the &nowplaying command
  • YouTube playlist search support for the /ytplay slash command
  • Real-time search suggestions for the /help slash command
  • The "Update" button for the &about command


  • The &requeue command updates the track requester correctly now
  • The "JVM CPU Usage" value fix for the &about command

Technical Updates

Full Changelog: 3.4.3...3.5

Version 3.4.3

21 Jul 19:48
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  • A few new message filters for the /prune command:
    • "Action Components" (e.g. buttons and menus)
    • "Discord Commands"
    • "Human Messages"
    • "System Messages"
    • "Webhook Messages"


  • The &about command's redesign

Technical Updates

Full Changelog: 3.4.2...3.4.3

Version 3.4.2

20 Jul 19:51
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  • Song readding with the queue being empty fix for the &requeue command
  • Alternative time format (e.g. 2m27s) support for the &seek command
  • Alias prefixing for the &help command

Full Changelog: 3.4.1...3.4.2

Version 3.4.1

20 Jul 03:36
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  • The &replay alias for the &restart command
  • The "Invite Link" and "GitHub Repository" text links in the &about and &help commands have been replaced with respective buttons
  • Command search fix for the &help command
  • Description fix for the &resume command
  • Classic text usages fix for the &role command

Technical Updates

Full Changelog: 3.4...3.4.1

Version 3.4

19 Jul 19:10
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  • A few design tweaks for the &help command
  • Game session termination fix for the /tictactoe command

Technical Updates

Full Changelog: 3.3...3.4