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SessionsCommand impl
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ileukocyte committed Jul 26, 2022
1 parent 0afa3a1 commit 6a4917f
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Showing 4 changed files with 353 additions and 5 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class KillCommand : TextCommand {

val description =
"The ${process.command?.let { it::class.simpleName } ?:} process " +
"running in this channel has been terminated via message deletion!"
"running in this channel has been terminated!"

event.jda.getChannelById(, { channel ->
process.invoker?.let {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class KillCommand : TextCommand {

val description =
"The ${process.command?.let { it::class.simpleName } ?:} process " +
"running in this channel has been terminated via message deletion!"
"running in this channel has been terminated!"

event.jda.getChannelById(, { channel ->
process.invoker?.let {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,6 +347,5 @@ class KillCommand : TextCommand {
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Button.secondary("$name-$userId-$page-last", "Last Page")
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Button.danger("$name-$userId-exit", "Close"),
349 changes: 349 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/io/ileukocyte/hibernum/commands/fun/SessionsCommand.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
package io.ileukocyte.hibernum.commands.`fun`


import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.Immutable
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.commands.CommandCategory
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.commands.CommandException
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.commands.GenericCommand.StaleInteractionHandling
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.commands.SlashOnlyCommand
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.extensions.*
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.extensions.EmbedType.SUCCESS
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.extensions.EmbedType.WARNING
import io.ileukocyte.hibernum.utils.*

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

import net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.GuildMessageChannel
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.OptionType.STRING
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.Modal
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.buttons.Button
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.text.TextInput
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.text.TextInputStyle

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.applyIf

class SessionsCommand : SlashOnlyCommand {
override val name = "sessions"
override val description = "Sends a list of running game sessions of yours or aborts the one provided by its ID"
override val options = setOf(OptionData(STRING, "id", "The ID of the session to abort"))
override val staleInteractionHandling = StaleInteractionHandling.REMOVE_COMPONENTS
override val neglectProcessBlock = true

override suspend fun invoke(event: SlashCommandInteractionEvent) {
val sessions = event.jda.getUserProcesses(event.user)
.filter { it.command?.category == CommandCategory.FUN }
.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
?: throw CommandException("No sessions of yours are currently running!")

val input = event.getOption("id")?.asString

if (input === null) {
val pages = ceil(sessions.size / 5.0).toInt()

event.replyEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, 0, event.jda, event.guild ?: return))
pageButtons(, 0, pages).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${event.user.idLong}-abort", "Abort"),
Button.danger("$name-${event.user.idLong}-exit", "Close"),
} else {
val session = event.jda.getProcessById(input)
?.takeIf { event.user.idLong in it.users && it.command?.category == CommandCategory.FUN }
?: throw CommandException("No session of yours has been found by the provided ID!")

event.replyConfirmation("Are you sure you want to abort the session?")
Button.danger("$name-${event.user.idLong}-${}-abortc", "Yes"),
Button.secondary("$name-${event.user.idLong}-exit", "No"),

override suspend fun invoke(event: ButtonInteractionEvent) {
val guild = event.guild ?: return
val id = event.componentId.removePrefix("$name-").split("-")

if ( == id.first()) {
val type = id.last()
val sessions = event.jda.getUserProcesses(event.user)
.filter { it.command?.category == CommandCategory.FUN }
.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
?: return

when (type) {
"exit" -> event.message.delete().queue()
"abort" -> {
val input = TextInput
.create("$name-id", "Enter the Session ID:", TextInputStyle.SHORT)
val modal = Modal
.create("$name-modal", "Session Abortion")

"abortc" -> {
val session = event.jda.getProcessById(id[1])
?.takeIf { event.user.idLong in it.users && it.command?.category == CommandCategory.FUN }
?: return


if (session.command is AkinatorCommand) {
for (userId in session.users) {
AkinatorCommand.AKIWRAPPERS -= userId
AkinatorCommand.DECLINED_GUESSES -= userId
AkinatorCommand.GUESS_TYPES -= userId

event.editMessageEmbeds(defaultEmbed("The session has been aborted!", SUCCESS))
.queue(null) {"The session has been aborted!").queue()

val description =
"The ${session.command?.let { it::class.simpleName } ?:} session " +
"running in this channel has been aborted!"

event.jda.getChannelById(, { channel ->
session.invoker?.let {
channel.retrieveMessageById(it).await().delete().queue(null) {}

channel.sendMessage {
embeds += defaultEmbed(description, WARNING) {
text = "This message will self-delete in 5 seconds"

session.users.mapNotNull { event.jda.getUserById(it)?.asMention }.joinToString()
.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
?.let { content += it }
}.queue({ it.delete().queueAfter(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, null) {} }) {}
else -> {
val page = id[1].toInt()

when (type) {
"first" -> {
val pages = ceil(sessions.size / 5.0).toInt()

event.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, 0, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), 0, pages).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${id.first()}-kill", "Kill"),
Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"),
).queue(null) {
.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, 0, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), 0, pages).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${id.first()}-kill", "Kill"),
Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"),
"last" -> {
val partition = Lists.partition(sessions.toList(), 5)
val lastPage = partition.lastIndex

event.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, lastPage, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), lastPage, partition.size).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"))
).queue(null) {
.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, lastPage, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), lastPage, partition.size).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${id.first()}-kill", "Kill"),
Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"),
"back" -> {
val newPage = max(0, page.dec())
val pages = ceil(sessions.size / 5.0).toInt()

event.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, newPage, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), newPage, pages).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${id.first()}-kill", "Kill"),
Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"),
).queue(null) {
.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, newPage, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), newPage, pages).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${id.first()}-kill", "Kill"),
Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"),
"next" -> {
val partition = Lists.partition(sessions.toList(), 5)
val lastPage = partition.lastIndex
val newPage = min(, lastPage)

event.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, newPage, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), newPage, partition.size).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${id.first()}-kill", "Kill"),
Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"),
).queue(null) {
.editMessageEmbeds(sessionsListEmbed(sessions, newPage, event.jda, guild))
pageButtons(id.first(), newPage, partition.size).takeIf { sessions.size > 5 }
?: setOf(
Button.primary("$name-${id.first()}-kill", "Kill"),
Button.danger("$name-${id.first()}-exit", "Close"),
} else {
throw CommandException("You did not invoke the initial command!")

override suspend fun invoke(event: ModalInteractionEvent) {
val id = event.getValue("$name-id")?.asString ?: return
val sessions = event.jda.getProcessById(id)
?.takeIf { event.user.idLong in it.users && it.command?.category == CommandCategory.FUN }
?: throw CommandException("No session of yours has been found by the provided ID!")


if (sessions.command is AkinatorCommand) {
for (userId in sessions.users) {
AkinatorCommand.AKIWRAPPERS -= userId
AkinatorCommand.DECLINED_GUESSES -= userId
AkinatorCommand.GUESS_TYPES -= userId

event.editMessageEmbeds(defaultEmbed("The session has been aborted!", SUCCESS))
.queue(null) {
event.messageChannel.sendSuccess("The session has been aborted!").queue()

val description =
"The ${sessions.command?.let { it::class.simpleName } ?:} session " +
"running in this channel has been aborted!"

event.jda.getChannelById(, { channel ->
sessions.invoker?.let {
channel.retrieveMessageById(it).await().delete().queue(null) {}

channel.sendMessage {
embeds += defaultEmbed(description, WARNING) {
text = "This message will self-delete in 5 seconds"

sessions.users.mapNotNull { event.jda.getUserById(it)?.asMention }.joinToString()
.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
?.let { content += it }
}.queue({ it.delete().queueAfter(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, null) {} }) {}

private fun sessionsListEmbed(
originalSet: Collection<WaiterProcess>,
page: Int,
jda: JDA,
guild: Guild,
) = buildEmbed {
val partition = Lists.partition(originalSet.toList(), 5)
val sessions = partition[page]

color = Immutable.SUCCESS

for ((index, session) in sessions.withIndex()) {
val users = session.users.joinToString { id ->
jda.getUserById(id)?.let {
if (guild.isMember(it)) {
} else {
} ?: id.toString()

val channel = { id ->
jda.getChannelById(, id)?.let {
if (it.guild.idLong == guild.idLong) {
} else {
"${} (${}, ${})"
} ?: id.toString()

field {
title = "Session #${ + page * 5}"
description = """**Command**: ${session.command?.getEffectiveContextName() ?: "Unknown"}
**Session ID**: ${}
**Users**: $users
**Channel**: $channel

author {
name = "Session Manager"
iconUrl = jda.selfUser.effectiveAvatarUrl

if (partition.size > 1) {
footer { text = "Total sessions: ${originalSet.size}" }

private fun pageButtons(userId: String, page: Int, size: Int) = setOf(
Button.primary("$name-$userId-abort", "Abort"),
Button.secondary("$name-$userId-$page-first", "First Page")
.applyIf(page == 0) { asDisabled() },
Button.secondary("$name-$userId-$page-back", "Back")
.applyIf(page == 0) { asDisabled() },
Button.secondary("$name-$userId-$page-next", "Next")
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Button.secondary("$name-$userId-$page-last", "Last Page")
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class QueueCommand : TextCommand {
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Button.secondary("$name-$userId-$page-last", "Last Page")
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Button.danger("$name-$userId-exit", "Exit"),
Button.danger("$name-$userId-exit", "Close"),

private fun queueEmbed(
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -271,6 +271,6 @@ class DictionaryCommand : TextCommand {
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Button.secondary("$name-last", "Last Page")
.applyIf(page == size.dec()) { asDisabled() },
Button.danger("$name-exit", "Exit"),
Button.danger("$name-exit", "Close"),

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