Zsh plugin to expand aliases during presentations.
It also increases the terminal window's contrast to enhance visibility. 😉
Using Zinit
Add the snippet below to your .zshrc file.
zinit ice wait'0' lucid
zinit light idadzie/zsh-presenter-mode
# or using the for syntax.
zinit light-mode for idadzie/zsh-presenter-mode
Clone this repository and source the zsh-presenter-mode.plugin.zsh file in your .zshrc file.
# Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/idadzie/zsh-presenter-mode.git $XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh-presenter-mode
# Append to your .zshrc file.
echo "source $XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh-presenter-mode/zsh-presenter-mode.plugin.zsh" | tee -a "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc"
In any terminal window, use the key binding Ctrl P,Ctrl M or the alias presenter-toggle
to quickly switch between modes.
You can change the default key binding by adding the snippet below to your .zshrc.
bindkey '\e\e' toggle-presenter-mode
To not pollute the global namespace, there's a single $PRESENTER_MODE hash you can add to your .zshrc to customise the default parameters before loading this plugin.
Hash Field | Description |
PRESENTER_MODE[BANNER_SHOW] | Show banner text when presentation mode is activated. Default: 1 |
PRESENTER_MODE[SHOW_PREEXEC_ARRAY] | Show preexec array when presentation mode is toggled. Default: 0 |
PRESENTER_MODE[BANNER_TEXT] | Banner text when presentation mode is activated. Default: PRESENTATION MODE |
PRESENTER_MODE[BG_DEFAULT] | Background colour to set after presentation mode is deactivated. Default: #282828 |
# Load the plugin below.
The main presenter_mode_{start,stop} functions were borrowed from robobenklein's amazing dotfiles.
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