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now gradle's dependencies substitution can't correct share output KMP artifacts to other includeBuilds, so this repository now unusable.

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custom_mark10 digraph MOKO { graphics [label="moko-graphics"]; parcelize [label="moko-parcelize"]; resources [label="moko-resources"]; mvvmCore [label="moko-mvvm-core"]; mvvmLiveData [label="moko-mvvm-livedata"]; units [label="moko-units",rank=0]; unitsBasic [label="moko-units-basic"]; fields [label="moko-fields"]; permissions [label="moko-permissions"]; media [label="moko-media"]; geo [label="moko-geo"]; errors [label="moko-errors"]; paging [label="moko-paging"]; network [label="moko-network"]; networkErrors [label="moko-network-errors"]; maps [label="moko-maps"]; mapsGoogle [label="moko-maps-google"]; mapsMapbox [label="moko-maps-mapbox"]; socket [label="moko-socket-io"]; crashReporting [label="moko-crash-reporting"]; crashReportingCrashlytics [label="moko-crash-reporting-crashlytics"]; crashReportingNapier [label="moko-crash-reporting-napier"]; tensorflow [label="moko-tensorflow"]; widgets [label="moko-widgets"]; biometry [label="moko-biometry"]; test [label="moko-test"] ranksep=1; {rank=same; graphics; parcelize; units; network; permissions; crashReporting; socket; mvvmCore; test} {rank=same; resources; media; geo; crashReportingCrashlytics; crashReportingNapier} {rank=same; mvvmLiveData; tensorflow; unitsBasic; maps; errors; biometry} {rank=same; networkErrors; paging; fields; mapsMapbox; mapsGoogle} resources -> graphics; resources -> parcelize; mvvmLiveData -> mvvmCore; mvvmLiveData -> resources; unitsBasic -> units; unitsBasic -> resources; unitsBasic -> graphics; fields -> mvvmLiveData; fields -> resources; media -> permissions; geo -> permissions; errors -> mvvmCore; errors -> resources; paging -> mvvmLiveData; maps -> geo; maps -> resources; maps -> graphics; mapsGoogle -> maps; mapsMapbox -> maps; tensorflow -> resources; widgets -> resources; widgets -> mvvmLiveData; widgets -> fields; widgets -> units; widgets -> graphics; widgets -> parcelize; networkErrors -> network; networkErrors -> errors; crashReportingCrashlytics -> crashReporting; crashReportingNapier -> crashReporting; biometry -> resources; } custom_mark10


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