A high-contrast, futuristic & vibrant theme for neovim
- Transparency-first design - all design decisions are made with transparency in mind
- High contrast - Colours have been carefully chosen to be cohesive and easy on the eyes while still being easy to distinguish
Supported Plugins
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function()
-- Recommended - see "Configuring" below for more config options
transparent = true,
italic_comments = true,
hide_fillchars = true,
borderless_telescope = true,
vim.cmd("colorscheme cyberdream") -- set the colorscheme
Lualine (optional):
local cyberdream = require("lualine.themes.cyberdream")
-- ... other config
options = {
theme = "cyberdream",
-- ... other config
See my personal lualine config here for an example.
Below is an example of all the available configuration options:
-- Enable transparent background
transparent = true, -- Default: false
-- Enable italics comments
italic_comments = true, -- Default: false
-- Replace all fillchars with ' ' for the ultimate clean look
hide_fillchars = true, -- Default: false
-- Modern borderless telescope theme
borderless_telescope = true, -- Default: true
theme = { -- Default: nil
highlights = {
-- Highlight groups to override, adding new groups is also possible
-- See `:help highlight-groups` for a list of highlight groups
-- Example:
Comment = { fg = "#696969", bg = "NONE", italic = true },
-- Complete list can be found in `lua/cyberdream/theme.lua`
-- Override a color entirely
colors = {
-- For a list of colors see `lua/cyberdream/colours.lua`
-- Example:
bg = "#000000",
green = "#00ff00",
magenta = "#ff00ff",
Pull requests are welcome. If a plugin you use is not supported, please open an issue and I'll try to add support for it. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please open an issue.