- I'm currently working as Research Associate at Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning at RBI, India.
- 🌱 I am specially interested in research at the cross-section of macroeconomics and finance.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- Personal Website
You can refer to me some of my repositories below:
Empirical Macroeconomics: In this repository, I have hosted of some my code related to local projections, VARs, etc. I will add further to this repository in the future.
Linear Regression Model Validation: This contains some useful code to run and benchmark multiple regression models at once, and also some typical validation steps in regression models.
Two-state one control bellman equation model for lucas economy
Credit Suisse FinSTATS competition: It contains the details of the mixed integer programming model to solve for the optimal portfolio problem that I have built for a competition at DSE for Credit Suisse.
American Express Analyze This 2017: It contains the code that I wrote while participating in the competition at DSE.