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Dynamic portfolio builder, using ReactJS, Laravel, and Jquery, with a high design layout, a Powerful API structure, and a detailed dashboard editor for each section in the portfolio.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


N.B. This project took me about month or more to finish it, Just because I didn’t have enough time for it, i just gave it 1 hour/day, some days I didn’t open it; cause i work as full time and i also have another side projects for my clients, So it wasn’t on my top priorities.

Hope you enjoy it and find it helpful!


Dynamic Dashboard
Responsive Design
SEO Friendly
[Skills - Projects - Blogs] Editor
🌟 MidJourney Images

Postman Collection APIs

Open with postman

Technologies Used

The following technologies were used in the dashboard:

  • Intervention
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • jQueryUI
  • Select2
  • DataTables
  • Tagify
  • Image-Uploadify
  • ApexCharts
  • CKEditor
  • FontAwesome
  • SweetAlert
  • intlTelInput

The website utilizes the following technologies:

  • react-icons [Icons]
  • AOS [Animation]
  • react-lottie [JSON Animation Canvas Library]
  • react-spring [Animation Library]
  • react-content-loader [Lazy Loading Components]
  • axios [HTTP Requests]
  • Redux [State Managment]
  • Splide [Carousel]
  • node-sass [Importing vars from sass files to react]

Laravel Commands

First, run the following command only once:

First use only

Create a link for storage folder into public to access it

php artisan storage:link

Migrate the database tables

php artisan migrate

Setting up server permissions for storage folder

chmod -R 775 storage
chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache
chown -R www-data:www-data storage bootstrap/cache

Cronjobs Commands

php artisan generate:sitemap

React Commands

Install required dependencies
npm install

Start react project on localhost

npm start

Gulp Commands

Keep watching SASS/SCSS files on changes to be converted to css

gulp watch-sass


sass --watch resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.scss:resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.css

Convert SASS/SCSS files to css after long work

gulp css


sass resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.scss:resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.css

For Building a new production version all you have to do is :

npm install
npm audit fix -force
npm run build


npm run build-linux

And it will do everything :

  • Generate a new bundle file
  • Convert SCSS files into one css file
  • Copy All media and styles to public dircectory


For any inquiries or support, please email me at [email protected] or visit my website at


Dynamic portfolio builder, using ReactJS, Laravel, and Jquery, with a high design layout, a Powerful API structure, and a detailed dashboard editor for each section in the portfolio.





