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Release instructions

Kodi Arfer edited this page May 5, 2024 · 20 revisions
  1. Update hyrule_version in Hy's docs/
    • Make sure that at least is online.
  2. Set the release date in NEWS.
  3. Merge the pull request for the new release.
  4. Set the new version in and
  5. git tag x.y.z -m 'Version x.y.z'
  6. Build the manual locally and glance over the result.
  7. Build and test the PyPI package on your local machine (see for complete instructions).
    • git clean -dfx
    • python3 sdist to create the source distribution.
      • We no longer distribute wheels, because this prevents precompiling the Hy code during installation.
    • Create a new virtualenv and install the created package there for testing:
      • virtualenv tenv -p python3 && cd tenv && source ./bin/activate && pip install fastentrypoints && pip install [source distribution file] && deactivate && source ./bin/activate && echo `type hy` && echo '(+ 1 1)' | hy -i
  8. Publish the release on GitHub.
  9. Fast-forward the stable branch on GitHub.
  10. Upload the new manual to
  • Update HY-LATEST-DOCS-VERSION on the server.
  1. Update the redirects and .
  2. Let @paultag and @Kodiologist know that things are ready. Either of them can upload the package into PyPI.
  • twine upload dist/*
  1. Push a commit to Hy master reverting the addition of the version number.
  2. Similarly, publish the corresponding new release of Hyrule.
  3. Use the new releases of Hy and Hyrule for Try Hy.
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