Project name : Personal portfolio
Description : This web app showcases all of my data science projects
Installation : The steps below serves as a guide to clone the project repository and run in a local machine:
- Download the Git repository and go to the main directory where is.
- Create a virtual environment by typing 'python3 -m venv venv' on the command line.
- Activate the virtual environment. Type 'source venv/bin/activate' on the command line.
- Install Django. Type 'pip install Django' on the command line.
- Run python runserver.
Usage : I have built a web app with the following features:
- a fully functioning blog: In this application, I create, update, and delete blog posts. Posts will have categories that can be used to sort them. Finally, users will be able to leave comments on posts.
- a portfolio of my work: I will showcase my data science projects here. I have built a gallery style page with clickable links to projects that I have completed.