A Photo Album App made with Django framework in the backend. Tailwindcss for the frontend. I will host Images on AWS S3 Buckets in few days later. Live Demo
- Sign Up.
- Sign In.
- Password Reset with email.
- Add Image with title, description and category.
- Update Image with title, description and category.
- Delete Image with title, description and category.
- Search with Image title.
- User can change Profile picture/cover Image/Bio/Full Name.
- User-friendly.
To run the app on your local machine, you need Python 3+, installed on your machine. Follow all the steps to run this project.
- Create
virtual environment:
virtualenv virtualenv_name
- Activate
virtual environment:
On Linux - source virtualenv_name/bin/activate
On Windows - virtualenv_name/Scripts/activate
- Firstly you need to clone or download my project from github repositories:
git clone https://github.com/hossainchisty/Photo-Album-App.git
- Then enter the corresponding directory:
cd Photo-Album-App
- Install all the requirements using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run server:
python manage.py runserver
- Then go to
in your browser - Create Admin
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Access the admin dashboard