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Afficheur Public propulsé par NodeJS pour diffuser depuis un serveur des informations aux clientsweb connectés

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Afficheur Public propulsé par NodeJS

What is this ?

This project is meant to display to webclients informations as fullscreened sliders (same as airports big screens ads)
Each folders inside "/public" will result as a view. (http://HOST:PORT/VIEW)
Each files in a view folder will result as a dedicated slider + basic common page skelleton (clock on the bottom)
Sockets are injected in every VIEWS, that means whenever someone upload the view folder all clients will autorefresh the page right away.
Each views can recieve files changes from server manipulation iteself and/or from url (http://HOST:PORT/VIEW/upload | http://HOST:PORT/VIEW/delete)
Each VIEW modification from distance (web url) need to get authenticated by the database (afficheurdb) inside mongodb (collection: users)
Each USER is made from this pattern inside mongodb : ({'user':'ChoosenUserID','pass':'ChoosenUserPassword','access':'AdminChooseFolderAccess'})
(Every users can get (see) any views but only editing it will be restricted)

/!\ This Project now supports the "Light" mode, it's a local database as json designed for raspberry PI (but potentially less secure) that are not compatible with recent MongoDB versions but this json files will still be compatible with MongoDB database architectures for import/export light to normal if needed.

Requierments / How to launch this project (With MongoDB) :

I used NODE v8.10, NPM 6.11 & MONGODB 4.2 while building this project, higher versions should works too
1°) Install NODEJS (v8.10), NPM (v6.11), MONGODB (v4.2)
2°) Download & extract this project folder on your machine.
3°) Go to the extracted folder and run

npm install

/!\ To deal with corporate proxy issues :
Configure NPM behind proxy
4°) Inside a terminal, fire up MongoDB :


5°) Open the afficheurdb database with :

use afficheurdb

6°) Open the users collection of that database :


7°) Create a first account with :

db.users.insert({'name':'myName', 'pass':'myPass', 'access':'*'})

"" means admin privileges, otherwhise use ',' to give multiple dir access like : 'access':'viewA,view3,welcomePage' to grand acces to viewA & view3 & welcomePage folders*
8°) Exit mongo and run on the terminal (inside the extracted folder from earlier) :

  node server


npm start

9°) Edit your starting script to add this server example : (node home/afficheur/server)
10°) It's ready to go. Enjoy

How to launch this project (Without MongoDB) (Raspberri PI) :

I used NODE v11.15, NPM 6.7 & while using a raspberri pi, higher versions should works too 1°) Install NODEJS, NPM
/!\ Raspberri Users please follow this link first :
Choose/Update/Upgrade Raspberri NODEJS & NPM versions 2°) Download & extract this project folder on your machine.
3°) Go to the extracted folder and Install requiered modules :

npm install

/!\ To deal with corporate proxy issues :
Configure NPM behind proxy
4°) Check the config.json file to disable MongoDB :

server: { "enableMongoDB": false }

5°) Open the folder and json database located in data/afficheurdb.json and from the example account add yours
Account patterns should always be like : {"name":"myName", "pass":"myPass", "access":"*"}
6°) Edit your starting script to add this server example : (node home/afficheur/server)
7°) It's ready to go. Enjoy

Buy Me a Coffee

TODOs : this section is ugly to see from github but not from the IDE (you don't need this anyway until you contribute to the code itself)

/lib/upload.html [] display uploaded files as a list in res.json message [] hide sendButton when already logged-in /lib/delete.html [X] fix duplicating files div [X] block sendbutton when already logged-in [] display file infos (creator, date) on file mousehover Database [] add passwords encryptions /lib/admin.html [X] build page [] display server uptime [] display logs [] filter logs [] display nodejs console [] allow terminals direct inputs [X] add users overviews [] allow to edit users [] add user [] delete user [] update user [] update user password [] upsate user id [] update user dir permissions /lib/about.html [X] fetch github version.txt and display it on version span [] create a download feature to get new files /lib/database/dbManager.js [] add adduser feature [] get info and parse then from a model.json template [] add updateuser feature [] add deleteuser feature /server.js [] cleanup code [X] remove unecessary calls [] add security modules


Afficheur Public propulsé par NodeJS pour diffuser depuis un serveur des informations aux clientsweb connectés







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