This is where users can view the overall state of their income tax submission, tailoring their return, start submitting or append an income source, or submit a completed Submission.
You will need to have the following:
- Installed MongoDB
- Installed/configured service manager v2.
The service manager profile for this service is:
Run the following command to start the remaining services locally:
sudo mongod (If not already running)
This service runs on port: localhost:9302
- Run Unit Tests:
sbt test
- Run Integration Tests:
sbt it/test
- Run Unit and Integration Tests:
sbt test it/test
- Run Unit and Integration Tests with coverage report:
sbt runAllChecks
which runsclean compile scalastyle coverage test it/test coverageReport
Feature | Environments Enabled In |
Welsh | Local, QA, Staging |
NRS | Local, QA, Staging, Production |
Tax Year Error | Production |
Dividends | Local, QA, Staging, Production, ET |
Interest | Local, QA, Staging, Production, ET |
GiftAid | Local, QA, Staging, Production, ET |
Student loans | Local, QA, Staging, ET |
EmploymentsEnabled | Local, QA, Staging, Production, ET |
EmploymentsReleased | Local, QA, Staging, Production, ET |
End of year employment | Local, QA, Staging, ET |
CISEnabled | Local, QA, Staging |
CISReleased | Local, QA, Staging |
CrystallisationEnabled | Local, QA, Staging, Production, ET |
TailoringEnabled | Local |
auth-wizard - http://localhost:9949/auth-login-stub/gg-sign-in
FieldName | Value |
Redirect url | http://localhost:9302/update-and-submit-income-tax-return/2022/start |
Credential Strength | strong |
Confidence Level | 250 |
Affinity Group | Individual |
Nino | AA123456A |
Enrolment Key 1 | HMRC-MTD-IT |
Identifier Name 1 | MTDITID |
Identifier Value 1 | 1234567890 |
if running locally outside service manager ensure service is ran including testOnly Routes:
sbt run -Dapplication.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes
FieldName | Value |
Redirect url | /test-only/2022/additional-parameters?ClientNino=AA123457A&ClientMTDID=1234567890 |
Credential Strength | weak |
Confidence Level | 250 |
Affinity Group | Agent |
Enrolment Key 1 | HMRC-MTD-IT |
Identifier Name 1 | MTDITID |
Identifier Value 1 | 1234567890 |
Enrolment Key 2 | HMRC-AS-AGENT |
Identifier Name 2 | AgentReferenceNumber |
Identifier Value 2 | XARN1234567 |
Income-Tax-Submission-Frontend is the root of the users journey and links outward to all income sources passing along any previously submitted data.
Click here to see an example of a user with previously submitted data(JSON)
"dividends": {
"ukDividends": 99999999999.99
"interest": [
"accountName": "Rick Owens Bank",
"incomeSourceId": "000000000000001",
"taxedUkInterest": 99999999999.99,
"untaxedUkInterest": 99999999999.99
"accountName": "Rick Owens Taxed Bank",
"incomeSourceId": "000000000000002",
"taxedUkInterest": 99999999999.99
"accountName": "Rick Owens Untaxed Bank",
"incomeSourceId": "000000000000003",
"untaxedUkInterest": 99999999999.99
"giftAid": {
"giftAidPayments": {
"nonUkCharitiesCharityNames": [
"Rick Owens Charity"
"currentYear": 99999999999.99,
"oneOffCurrentYear": 99999999999.99,
"currentYearTreatedAsPreviousYear": 99999999999.99,
"nextYearTreatedAsCurrentYear": 99999999999.99,
"nonUkCharities": 99999999999.99
"gifts": {
"investmentsNonUkCharitiesCharityNames": [
"Rick Owens Non-UK Charity"
"landAndBuildings": 99999999999.99,
"sharesOrSecurities": 99999999999.99,
"investmentsNonUkCharities": 99999999999.99
"employment": {
"hmrcEmploymentData": [
"employmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
"employerName": "Rick Owens Milan LTD",
"employerRef": "666/66666",
"payrollId": "123456789",
"startDate": "2020-01-04",
"cessationDate": "2020-01-04",
"employmentData": {
"submittedOn": "2020-01-04T05:01:01Z",
"pay": {
"taxablePayToDate": 666.66,
"totalTaxToDate": 666.66,
"payFrequency": "CALENDAR MONTHLY",
"paymentDate": "2020-04-23",
"taxWeekNo": 32
"hmrcExpenses": {
"submittedOn": "2022-12-12T12:12:12Z",
"totalExpenses": 100,
"expenses": {
"businessTravelCosts": 100,
"jobExpenses": 100,
"flatRateJobExpenses": 100,
"professionalSubscriptions": 100,
"hotelAndMealExpenses": 100,
"otherAndCapitalAllowances": 100,
"vehicleExpenses": 100,
"mileageAllowanceRelief": 100
"customerEmploymentData": [
"employmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
"employerName": "Rick Owens London LTD",
"employerRef": "666/66666",
"payrollId": "123456789",
"startDate": "2020-02-04",
"cessationDate": "2020-02-04",
"submittedOn": "2020-02-04T05:01:01Z",
"employmentData": {
"submittedOn": "2020-02-04T05:01:01Z",
"pay": {
"taxablePayToDate": 555.55,
"totalTaxToDate": 555.55,
"payFrequency": "CALENDAR MONTHLY",
"paymentDate": "2020-04-23",
"taxWeekNo": 32
"pensions": [
"taxYear": 2023,
"pensionReliefs": {
"submittedOn": "2020-07-27T17:00:19Z",
"pensionReliefs": {
"regularPensionContributions": 50,
"oneOffPensionContributionsPaid": 170,
"retirementAnnuityPayments": 180,
"paymentToEmployersSchemeNoTaxRelief": 60,
"overseasPensionSchemeContributions": 40
"pensionCharges": {
"submittedOn": "2020-07-27T17:00:19Z",
"pensionSavingsTaxCharges": {
"pensionSchemeTaxReference": ["00123456RA", "00123456RB"],
"lumpSumBenefitTakenInExcessOfLifetimeAllowance": {
"amount": 800.02,
"taxPaid": 200.02
"benefitInExcessOfLifetimeAllowance": {
"amount": 800.02,
"taxPaid": 200.02
"isAnnualAllowanceReduced": false,
"taperedAnnualAllowance": false,
"moneyPurchasedAllowance": false
"pensionSchemeOverseasTransfers": {
"overseasSchemeProvider": [
"providerName": "overseas providerName 1 qualifying scheme",
"providerAddress": "overseas address 1",
"providerCountryCode": "ESP",
"qualifyingRecognisedOverseasPensionScheme": ["Q100000", "Q100002"]
"transferCharge": 123.45,
"transferChargeTaxPaid": 0
"pensionSchemeUnauthorisedPayments": {
"pensionSchemeTaxReference": [
"00123456RA", "00123456RB"
"surcharge": {
"amount": 124.44,
"foreignTaxPaid": 123.33
"noSurcharge": {
"amount": 222.44,
"foreignTaxPaid": 223.33
"pensionContributions": {
"pensionSchemeTaxReference": [
"00123456RA", "00123456RB"
"inExcessOfTheAnnualAllowance": 150.67,
"annualAllowanceTaxPaid": 178.65
"overseasPensionContributions": {
"overseasSchemeProvider": [
"providerName": "overseas providerName 1 tax ref",
"providerAddress": "overseas address 1",
"providerCountryCode": "ESP",
"pensionSchemeTaxReference": [
"00123456RA", "00123456RB"
"shortServiceRefund": 1.11,
"shortServiceRefundTaxPaid": 2.22
"stateBenefits": {
"stateBenefits": {
"incapacityBenefit": [
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c934",
"startDate": "2019-11-13",
"dateIgnored": "2019-04-11T16:22:00Z",
"submittedOn": "2020-09-11T17:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-08-23",
"amount": 1212.34,
"taxPaid": 22323.23
"statePension": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c935",
"startDate": "2018-06-03",
"dateIgnored": "2018-09-09T19:23:00Z",
"submittedOn": "2020-08-07T12:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-09-13",
"amount": 42323.23,
"taxPaid": 2323.44
"statePensionLumpSum": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c936",
"startDate": "2019-04-23",
"dateIgnored": "2019-07-08T05:23:00Z",
"submittedOn": "2020-03-13T19:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-08-13",
"amount": 45454.23,
"taxPaid": 45432.56
"employmentSupportAllowance": [
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c937",
"startDate": "2019-09-23",
"dateIgnored": "2019-09-28T10:23:00Z",
"submittedOn": "2020-11-13T19:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-08-23",
"amount": 44545.43,
"taxPaid": 35343.23
"jobSeekersAllowance": [
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c938",
"startDate": "2019-09-19",
"dateIgnored": "2019-08-18T13:23:00Z",
"submittedOn": "2020-07-10T18:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-09-23",
"amount": 33223.12,
"taxPaid": 44224.56
"bereavementAllowance": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c939",
"startDate": "2019-05-22",
"dateIgnored": "2020-08-10T12:23:00Z",
"submittedOn": "2020-09-19T19:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-09-26",
"amount": 56534.23,
"taxPaid": 34343.57
"otherStateBenefits": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c940",
"startDate": "2018-09-03",
"dateIgnored": "2020-01-11T15:23:00Z",
"submittedOn": "2020-09-13T15:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-06-03",
"amount": 56532.45,
"taxPaid": 5656.89
"customerAddedStateBenefits": {
"incapacityBenefit": [
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c941",
"startDate": "2018-07-17",
"submittedOn": "2020-11-17T19:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-09-23",
"amount": 45646.78,
"taxPaid": 4544.34
"statePension": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c943",
"startDate": "2018-04-03",
"submittedOn": "2020-06-11T10:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-09-13",
"amount": 45642.45,
"taxPaid": 6764.34
"statePensionLumpSum": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c956",
"startDate": "2019-09-23",
"submittedOn": "2020-06-13T05:29:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-09-26",
"amount": 34322.34,
"taxPaid": 4564.45
"employmentSupportAllowance": [
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c988",
"startDate": "2019-09-11",
"submittedOn": "2020-02-10T11:20:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-06-13",
"amount": 45424.23,
"taxPaid": 23232.34
"jobSeekersAllowance": [
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c990",
"startDate": "2019-07-10",
"submittedOn": "2020-05-13T14:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-05-11",
"amount": 34343.78,
"taxPaid": 3433.56
"bereavementAllowance": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c997",
"startDate": "2018-08-12",
"submittedOn": "2020-02-13T11:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-07-13",
"amount": 45423.45,
"taxPaid": 4543.64
"otherStateBenefits": {
"benefitId": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c957",
"startDate": "2018-01-13",
"submittedOn": "2020-09-12T12:23:00Z",
"endDate": "2020-08-13",
"amount": 63333.33,
"taxPaid": 4644.45
"cis": [
"taxYear": 2023,
"customerCISDeductions": {
"totalDeductionAmount": 400,
"totalCostOfMaterials": 400,
"totalGrossAmountPaid": 400,
"cisDeductions": [
"fromDate": "2021-04-06",
"toDate": "2022-04-05",
"contractorName": "Michele Lamy Paving Ltd",
"employerRef": "111/11111",
"totalDeductionAmount": 200,
"totalCostOfMaterials": 200,
"totalGrossAmountPaid": 200,
"periodData": [
"deductionFromDate": "2021-04-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-05-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"submissionId": "4557ecb5-fd32-48cc-81f5-e6acd1099f3c",
"source": "customer"
}, {
"deductionFromDate": "2021-05-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-06-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"submissionId": "4557ecb5-fd32-48cc-81f5-e6acd1099f3c",
"source": "customer"
}, {
"fromDate": "2021-04-06",
"toDate": "2022-04-05",
"contractorName": "Jun Takahashi Window Fitting",
"employerRef": "222/11111",
"totalDeductionAmount": 200,
"totalCostOfMaterials": 200,
"totalGrossAmountPaid": 200,
"periodData": [
"deductionFromDate": "2021-04-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-05-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"submissionId": "4557ecb5-fd32-48cc-81f5-e6acd1099f3c",
"source": "customer"
}, {
"deductionFromDate": "2021-05-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-06-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"submissionId": "4557ecb5-fd32-48cc-81f5-e6acd1099f3c",
"source": "customer"
"contractorCISDeductions": {
"totalDeductionAmount": 400,
"totalCostOfMaterials": 400,
"totalGrossAmountPaid": 400,
"cisDeductions": [
"fromDate": "2021-04-06",
"toDate": "2022-04-05",
"contractorName": "Michele Lamy Paving Ltd",
"employerRef": "111/11111",
"totalDeductionAmount": 200,
"totalCostOfMaterials": 200,
"totalGrossAmountPaid": 200,
"periodData": [
"deductionFromDate": "2021-04-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-05-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"source": "contractor"
}, {
"deductionFromDate": "2021-05-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-06-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"source": "contractor"
}, {
"fromDate": "2021-04-06",
"toDate": "2022-04-05",
"contractorName": "Jun Takahashi Window Fitting",
"employerRef": "222/11111",
"totalDeductionAmount": 200,
"totalCostOfMaterials": 200,
"totalGrossAmountPaid": 200,
"periodData": [
"deductionFromDate": "2021-04-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-05-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"source": "contractor"
}, {
"deductionFromDate": "2021-05-06",
"deductionToDate": "2021-06-05",
"deductionAmount": 100,
"costOfMaterials": 100,
"grossAmountPaid": 100,
"submissionDate": "2022-05-11T16:38:57.489Z",
"source": "contractor"
These journeys are a part of the Personal-Income-Tax-Submission-Frontend repository see its readMe for more.
This journey is a part of the Income-Tax-Employment-Frontend repository see its readMe for more.
This journey is a part of the Income-Tax-Cis-Frontend repository see its readMe for more.
This journey is a part of the Income-Tax-Pensions-Frontend repository see its readMe for more.
It must be the end of the tax year for a user to submit for crystallisation.
The user also requires the following extra enrollment:
IR-SA | UTR | Identifier Value, e.g. 1234567890 |
Currently, the crystallisation journey and tax account in staging can only be accessed using the following:
Nino | MTDITID |
AA888888A | XAIT00000888888 |
Nino | Income Tax Submission Frontend data | Source |
AA133742A | PAYE data | HMRC-Held |
AA000003A | Interest & Dividends data | |
AA000011A | Zeroed Stock Dividends data |
Nino | Income Tax Submission Frontend data | Source |
BB444444A | PAYE data | HMRC-Held, Customer |
AA123459A | All employments | HMRC-Held, Customer |
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.