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A simple react native weather app I built while learning React Native **Lessons learnt **

  • TypeScript
  • Navigation with react-navigation/native
  • User GPS location using react-native-community/geolocation
  • Lottie Animation with react-native-animated-loader
  • Splash Screen
  • Database(ish) with react-native-async-storage/async-storage
  • Testing jest
  • Error handling with react-error-boundary and react-native-restart
  • Using Icons from react-native-vector-icons

The app will get the users location when it starts and check the DB if it contains valid weather data. If it does it return the data from the DB but if not it makes a call to the openweathermap to get the data, saves it to the DB and returns it.

The weather data is from

To run the app

  • pull the code
  • Open an account from and get YOUR_API_KEY
  • create a .env file in the root directory and add the contents as below



The awesome weather Icons from