A mini sql query engine written python. Takes data from .csv files and processes queries on them. Supports following Queries
- Select all records : Select * from table_name;
- Aggregate functions: max sum min avg
- Project Columns(could be any number of columns) from one or more tables : Select col1, col2 from table_name;
- Select/project with distinct from one table : select distinct(col1), distinct(col2) from table_name;
- Select with where from one or more tables: select col1,col2 from table1,table2 where col1 = 10 AND col2 = 20; a. In the where queries, there would be a maximum of one AND/OR operator with no NOT operators.
- Projection of one or more(including all the columns) from two
tables with one join condition :
a. select * from table1, table2 where table1.col1=table2.col2;
b. select col1,col2 from table1,table2 where table1.col1 = table2.col2;