Analyzes PHPStan baseline files and creates aggregated error trend-reports.
You need at least one of the supported PHPStan RuleSets/Rules configured in your project, to get meaningful results.
composer require staabm/phpstan-baseline-analysis
- PHPStan\Rules\PhpDoc\InvalidPhpDocTagValueRule
Supported Symplify PHPStan Rules
- Symplify\PHPStanRules\CognitiveComplexity\Rules\ClassLikeCognitiveComplexityRule
- Symplify\PHPStanRules\Rules\Explicit\NoMixedMethodCallerRule
- Symplify\PHPStanRules\Rules\Explicit\NoMixedPropertyFetcherRule
$ phpstan-baseline-analyze *phpstan-baseline.neon
Analyzing app/portal/phpstan-baseline.neon
Overall-Errors: 18
Classes-Cognitive-Complexity: 270
Deprecations: 2
Invalid-Phpdocs: 5
Unknown-Types: 1
Anonymous-Variables: 4
$ git clone ...
$ phpstan-baseline-analyze *phpstan-baseline.neon --json > now.json
$ git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="1 week ago" HEAD`
$ phpstan-baseline-analyze *phpstan-baseline.neon --json > 1-week-ago.json
$ git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="2 week ago" HEAD`
$ phpstan-baseline-analyze *phpstan-baseline.neon --json > 2-weeks-ago.json
$ php phpstan-baseline-graph '*.json' > result.html
the following example shows the evolution of errors in your phpstan baselines. see the trend between 2 different points in time like:
$ git clone ...
$ phpstan-baseline-analyze *phpstan-baseline.neon --json > now.json
$ git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="1 week ago" HEAD`
$ phpstan-baseline-analyze *phpstan-baseline.neon --json > reference.json
$ phpstan-baseline-trend reference.json now.json
Analyzing Trend for app/portal/phpstan-baseline.neon
Overall-Errors: 30 -> 17 => improved
Classes-Cognitive-Complexity: 309 -> 177 => improved
Deprecations: 1 -> 2 => worse
Invalid-Phpdocs: 3 -> 1 => good
Unknown-Types: 5 -> 15 => worse
Anonymous-Variables: 4 -> 3 => good
Copy the following workflow into your repository. Make sure to adjust as needed:
- adjust the cron schedule pattern
- actions/checkout might require a token - e.g. for private repos
- adjust the comparison period, as you see fit
- adjust the notification to your needs - e.g. use Slack, Discord, E-Mail,..
name: Trends Analyse
- cron: '0 8 * * 4'
name: Trends
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 10
- run: "composer global require staabm/phpstan-baseline-analysis"
- run: echo "$(composer global config bin-dir --absolute --quiet)" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 50 # fetch the last X commits.
- run: "phpstan-baseline-analyze *baseline.neon --json > ../now.json"
- run: git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="1 week ago" HEAD`
- run: "phpstan-baseline-analyze *baseline.neon --json > ../reference.json"
- name: analyze trend
shell: php {0}
run: |
exec('phpstan-baseline-trend ../reference.json ../now.json > ../trend.txt', $output, $exitCode);
$project = '${{ github.repository }}';
if ($exitCode == 0) {
# improvements
json_encode(["username" => "github-action-trend-bot", "text" => $project ." :tada:\n". file_get_contents("../trend.txt")])
elseif ($exitCode == 1) {
# steady
json_encode(["username" => "github-action-trend-bot", "text" => $project ." :green_heart:\n". file_get_contents("../trend.txt")])
elseif ($exitCode == 2) {
# got worse
json_encode(["username" => "github-action-trend-bot", "text" => $project ." :broken_heart:\n". file_get_contents("../trend.txt")])
- run: 'curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @mattermost.json ${{ secrets.MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
if: always()
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