Rebox is a react boilerplate with enhanced architecture for better state management. Using redux as a centralized and predictable application state.
- Use Typescript
- Integrated with AntDesign. A design system with values of Nature and Determinacy for better user experience of enterprise applications
- Webpack 4.0 configurated with SASS/LESS support, file loader, semantic path alias, etc.
- Implemented dynamic import on route level component.
- Using redux as state management, with better implementation of data and ui communication.
- Enhanced data flow, with several application layer, data layer and presentation layer.
- Adapted vertical slices architecture
- Prettier integrated on pre-commit hook
- etc
- Out with the Onion, in with Vertical Slices
- Horizontal and Vertical User Stories - Slicing the Cake
- React Typescript Cheat Sheet
- Prettier with Hooks
- Redux Core Concept
- Webpack Documentation
- Ant Design Documentation
Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process.
REBOX is MIT licensed.