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Looking for SASS-based vui-dropdown? It's over here.


Bower version Build status

A Polymer-based web component for dropdown/flyouts.


d2l-dropdown can be installed from Bower:

bower install d2l-dropdown


Include the webcomponents.js "lite" polyfill (for browsers who don't natively support web components), then import the opener and content components as needed:

	<script src=""></script>

Dropdown Openers

Generic Opener

d2l-dropdown is a generic opener for dropdown content (d2l-dropdown-content or d2l-dropdown-menu) enabling alternate opener implementation using existing elements/components. Provide and indicate your own opener element with the class attribute value d2l-dropdown-opener. Wire-up is automatic.

<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown.html">
<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown-content.html">

	<button class="d2l-dropdown-opener">Open!</button>
		Some content...

If the dropdown is initially empty when it's opened, the dropdown pointer will not be positioned correctly. In such cases, the no-auto-open attribute may be added to the opener, enabling you to take control of when the dropdown is actually opened:

<d2l-dropdown no-auto-open>
dropdown.addEventListener('click', function() {
	// fetch some content
	// take control of when the dropdown is actually opened

Button Opener

d2l-dropdown-button is a d2l-button opener for dropdown content (d2l-dropdown-content or d2l-dropdown-menu). Provide text for the button and content component as needed.

<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown-content.html">

<d2l-dropdown-button text="Open!" primary>
		Some content...
  • primary - optionally render button as primary button

Context Menu Opener

d2l-dropdown-context-menu is a simple/minimal opener for dropdown content (d2l-dropdown-content or d2l-dropdown-menu). Provide text for accessibility and content component as needed.

<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown-context-menu.html">
<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown-content.html">

<d2l-dropdown-context-menu text="Open!">
		Some content...

Dropdown Contents

Generic Content

d2l-dropdown-content is a generic container for dropdown content. It provides behavior such as sizing, positioning, and managing focus gain/loss.

<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown-content.html">

<d2l-dropdown-content min-width="..." max-width="..." no-padding>
	Some content...
  • min-width (number) - optionally override default min-width
  • max-width (number) - optionally override default max-width
  • no-padding - optionally render with no padding
// triggered when dropdown opened
content.addEventListener('d2l-dropdown-open', () => { ... });

// triggered when dropdown closed
content.addEventListener('d2l-dropdown-close', () => { ... });

Menu Content

d2l-dropdown-menu is a container for a d2l-menu component. It provides behavior in addition to the basic behavior of d2l-dropdown-content such as closing the menu when menu items are selected, resetting to the root of nested menus when reopening, etc.

<link rel="import" href="../d2l-dropdown/d2l-dropdown-menu.html">

	<d2l-menu label="some menu">

Usage in Production

In production, it's recommended to use a build tool like Vulcanize to combine all your web components into a single import file. More from the Polymer Docs: Optimize for Production...

Coding styles

See the VUI Best Practices & Style Guide for information on VUI naming conventions, plus information about the EditorConfig rules used in this repo.


Polymer-based web component for a D2L dropdown







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