- OpenWeather: https://openweathermap.org/api (for Weather info)
- Geoapify: https://www.geoapify.com/geocoding-api (for Geocoding)
This Project is deployed at: https://weather-harshpx.vercel.app
- Clone this project on your local device & install necessary packages
git clone 'https://github.com/harshpx/weather.git'
cd weather
npm i
- Get your 'Openweather' and 'Geoapify' API keys, then create '.env' file & add your API keys there.
#inside .env file
- Run the App
npm run dev
- Most beautiful UI that I've ever made
- Dark and Light modes
- Responsive UI (looks good on all screen sizes)
- Celsius and Fahrenheit Units
- 5 Day Weather forecast
- Efficient API handeling
- Industry standard code structure