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Skeleton WordPress Theme

This repository contains a skeleton WordPress theme powered by brunch. It uses yarn to compile and process packages and assets.


Before you clone this repository, please ensure the following have been installed (first-time setup only). Please also ensure that you have php installed (php -v), version 7.1.x or higher. We are also using Yarn to manage our project dependencies, however, you can still use npm commands if you are unsure of the matching yarn command. Checkout the Yarn docs here =

brew install mysql
brew install node
brew install yarn

If you do not have a version of php installed or is below version 7.1.x, please upgrade it. php 7 is recommended due to the performance improvements, view an upgrade guide here

Installing WP-CLI

The WordPress installation and general development is made easier through the use of WP-CLI tool. Follow the commands below to install it prior to setting up the project.

curl -O
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp

Finally, to check the WP-CLI is running correctly, run wp --info which should present you with the current PHP & WP-CLI versions installed if successful.

To create a new WordPress project:

mkdir your-wordpress-folder && cd your-wordpress-folder
wp core download --locale=en_GB

Clone this repo into a new theme in your WordPress folder:

cd wp-content/themes && rm -rf twenty*
mkdir your-theme && cd your-theme
git clone [email protected]:harryfinn/wordpress-skeleton.git .

Note: the rm -rf twenty* simply removes the default WordPress themes as they are not required. The yarn command installs all the dependancies for this skeleton.

You can now branch from master to make changes in this framework repo or follow the instructions below to create a new theme with this framework as the base.

Starting your new themes

To create a new WordPress theme repo from this skeleton run the following command to delete the current git files. rm -rf .git

You can now create your new WordPress theme repository, following the repository setup instructions on github.

Once setup please ensure you amend the values in the includes/constants.php file to suit your theme, i.e. _theme_cmb2_ would contain the name of the theme as the prefix, rather than _theme_cmb2 you could use _my-site_cmb2_ etc.

Install/Update CMB2 within project

This project uses the CMB2 library to help generate and manage custom metaboxes within the WP admin. It is included within the framework repo as a submodule.

However, when running the rm -rf .git command, this submodule link will be removed and the ability to update CMB2 via submodule commands will be lost. To work around this and enable CMB2 in your new theme run the following commands:

cd includes/
git submodule add [email protected]:CMB2/CMB2.git
yarn git-update

The commands about will swap you into the includes folder within the theme and then create a submodule link for this new theme project before activating the submodule and pulling down the files.

It is important to remember that these files are not committed to the repo, only the submodule link to the CMB2 project, which helps to reduce overall file size and 'weight' in your repo. It also means that you can update your new theme repo with updates from CMB2 without having to update via this skeleton repo.

Running the project

To start the mysql server use mysql.server start and mysql.server stop to stop. The default settings for a mysql connection are:

user: root
password: (empty)
port: 3306

Use the mysql settings to make a new database for the project and complete the WordPress install at http://localhost:8080.

There are several commands available within this repo which are run as yarn scripts (recommend running in separate tabs in order to monitor output):

  • yarn server - will start the PHP built-in web server allowing for access to the site via http://localhost:8080

  • yarn watch - will start the Brunch watcher task, compiling scss, js and asset management

  • yarn build - will compile a production (live) ready version of stylesheets, javascripts and assets, therefore only required when deploying to a live environment

  • yarn git-update - will update any submodules associated with the project

  • yarn pre-deploy - will run the git-update command and then compile package dependencies before calling the build command

  • yarn deploy - will pull down the latest changes from the develop branch (by default) then run the pre-deploy command

  • yarn deploy:production - will pull down the latest changes from the master branch then run the pre-deploy command - for Live/Production

  • yarn caniuse - will check the compiled app.css file against the CanIUse API - For informational purposes only

When adding node packages (via Yarn to this repo, the --dev option should be used for any packages that are required to run the development environment, prior to the build/compilation of the app.

Otherwise, if a package affects the way in which the code is written, it should sit under the dependencies section. For example, the auto-reload-brunch offers local reloading of pages to show instant styling and js changes, which would not be suitable for a live server environment, therefore should have the --dev flag used to add it.


The server will allow for devices connected on the same wifi to access the site. On your device go to the IP address + To find your IP address hold ALT and click on the wifi icon in your toolbar.

To ensure local assets are correctly parsed when testing locally, ensure the BRUNCH_LOCAL_ASSETS constant is set to true.

Additional Skeleton file notes

There are several files within this skeleton which contain examples of functionality for your WordPress theme.

For example:

  • includes/class.custom-post-types.php - Handles registering and configuration of Custom Post Types (CPT's).
  • includes/class.theme-admin.php - Sets up a basic 'Theme Options' screen within the admin dashboard.
  • includes/custom-metaboxes/cmb2-post-fields.php - An example CMB2 fields file.
  • app/javascripts/web-font-loader.js - The Google webfont loader script, also compatible with various other web font providers (i.e. typekit) along with custom font support and FOUT remover.
  • - An example README to replace this README file when using this skeleton as the starter framework for a new theme.

When viewing these files please note additional instructions in the comments.

A basic set of common styles has been included in this skeleton to be built upon.