This package is a gulp utility to help creating a single combined css or javascript file from several files. The combined files also can be appended by version. The version can read from changelog.txt file or manually inputted when running the gulp.
Use the console and run this:
npm install gulp-worker
Create a gulpfile.js and put this as content:
var worker = require("gulp-worker");
Gulp worker can be run using command:
This command will only run the default task once. In case you want to run the gulp watching changes happens to registered files, run this command:
gulp watch
If you want to put the version in the result file, use --build version
gulp --build 0.1.6
If you want to enforce development built, regardless of combined or minified settings to produce combined only
gulp --development
If you want to enforce production built, regardless of combined or minified settings to produce minified only
gulp --production
The same additional parameters also can be used for gulp watch
There are some configurations available for gulp worker together with their default values:
config = {
//folder and naming configuration
name: "default", // name of output file
combinedPrefix: "", // prefix for combined file
combinedPostfix: "", // postfix for combined file
minifiedPrefix: "", // prefix for minified file
minifiedPostfix: ".min", // postfix for minified file
destination: "./", // output folder
baseFolder: "./", // base source folder
//Versioning Configuration
versionOnDestinationFolder: false, // put version number in folder
versionOnFile: false, // put version number in file
automaticVersioning: true, // put version name based on changelog file version
changelogFileName: "changelog.txt", // changelog file name
gulpOnWatch: true, // When watch, trigger default task
//Combining Configuration
combinedDestination: null, // destination for combined
createCombined: true, // create combined file
minifiedDestination: null, // destination for minified
createMinified: true, // create minified file
generateSourceMaps: true, // generate source map
debug: false,
debugLevel: "debug"
In order to override global configuration, there is a function configure. Here is an example:
destination: "./build",
base_folder: "./src"
This will only override configuration specified. If you want to override specific configuration without using configure and have the same result:
worker.config.destination = "./build";
worker.config.base_folder = "./src";
The code for gulpfile.js will have the format of worker.PROCESS_NAME(SOURCE_ARRAY,ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURATION). Current available processes are css, less, and js. Additional configuration will only override defined config for specific work. Here is the example:
], {
destination: "public/build",
base_folder: "src/js",
version_on_destination_folder: false,
automatic_versioning: true,
name: "combined"
In case you want to use same sets of files, but different configuration, you can use .chain after the .js, .css, or .less command to generate a task using same files but different configurations.
The structure of chain is .chain(options). Here is the example:
], {
destination: "public/build",
base_folder: "src/js",
version_on_destination_folder: false,
create_minified: false,
automatic_versioning: true,
name: "combined"
destination: "build",
base_folder: "src/js",
version_on_destination_folder: true,
automatic_versioning: false,
name: "main"