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hammy275 edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 5 revisions

tarstall's feature set can be broken down into three categories: program installations, program configuration, and tarstall configuration. These are all documented below.

NOTE: Although the below documentation contains command line parameters, all features here can be accessed without the command line using tarstall's GUI mode.

Program Installations

Programs can be installed with tarstall -i path/to/archive, tarstall --install path/to/directory, tarstall install, tarstall --install, or tarstall -i path/to/

Any program can be uninstalled with tarstall -r program_name, tarstall --remove program_name, or tarstall remove program_name

Programs can be listed with tarstall -l, tarstall --list, or tarstall list

Program Configuration

Once a program is installed, it can be managed in many, many different ways. tarstall -m program_name, tarstall --manage program_name, or tarstall manage program_name can be used to manage programs installed through tarstall.

Management Options

Running the command above (or choosing to manage a program from the GUI), will bring you to a wizard to select how you would like to manage said program. As of v1.3.0, these options include:

  • Binlink creation (see the Binlink page of the wiki for more information.
  • Adding the program's directory to PATH
  • Renaming a program
  • Uninstalling a program
  • Removal of binlinks and any PATH entries for a program
  • Creation and removal of .desktop files for a program
  • The ability to launch a shell inside of the directory of the program
  • The creation of upgrade scripts for programs. Upgrade scripts are scripts run when you tell tarstall to upgrade the install program. It will automatically run in the program's directory after updating the program through git (if it was installed through git), or it will just run the script if it wasn't installed with git.
  • The ability to upgrade an individual program.
  • The ability to assign a URL to a program to update the program from.

tarstall -q, tarstall --upgrade-programs, or tarstall upgrade-programs can be used to upgrade all installed programs that have the capability to be upgraded.

tarstall Configuration

If tarstall crashes, tarstall -k, tarstall --remove-lock, or tarstall remove-lock can be used to remove the lock tarstall places to make sure multiple instances don't run at the same time.

If you would like to temporarily run tarstall verbosely, tarstall -v, tarstall --verbose, or tarstall verbose can be used.

If you would like to update tarstall itself, tarstall -u, tarstall --update, or tarstall update can be used.

tarstall -c, tarstall --configure, or tarstall configure can be used to open a wizard to configure tarstall.

Configuration options

  • Toggle tarstall's ability to automatically check for and perform upgrades when run
  • Enable/disable verbose output
  • Change whether to use the "master" branch (more stable) or the "beta" branch (features much sooner but less stable) of tarstall.
  • Change between CLI and GUI mode
  • Whether to skip certain types of questions through tarstall
  • Whether to skip prompts to press ENTER
  • Attempting a repair of tarstall's database
  • Attempting a repair of tarstall itself
  • Whether to skip warnings about missing dependencies