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NodeMCU ESP8266 Gateway Goes to WeMos ESP8266

This gateway has been updated by a new version for the following reasons:

  • Now I'm using WeMos D1 Mini board instead of NodeMCU's one because they're just smaller and cheaper (you can find them for less than $3).
  • Features remains the same, they got lot of available shields
  • USB Serial onboard is CH340 instead of CP210x, and I can upload up to 900Kbps without any issue on windows 10
  • I suspect WeMos regulator far better quality than the one used on NodeMCU that are just fake of original AMS117 3V3.
  • Just one size version, no error on order are possible!
  • Only one drawback, Voltage input on WeMos is limited to 6V and NodeMCU says up to 20V but trust me, I burnt some at only 14V so If I need to power boards with more than 6V I'm using cheap and small DC/DC converters like this oneone. Plenty on ebay. If you need a more serious and robust one, take this amazing OKI-78SR-5 from Murata (up to 36V).

So for all these reasons I switched to WeMos and created same shields than the ones described here, but, due to size constraint I removed some features, you need to be aware that the following ones has been removed on WeMos shields:

  • SPI 2.2" or 1.8" TFT LCD connector
  • SPI 128x64 OLED connector (I2C one still present)
  • Grove I2C connector (but I2C is exposed via OLED connector)
  • Lipo Battery connector
  • Data connection for any cheap ebay ASK RX receiver
  • New, a push button has been added to do some UI/Action if needed.

WeMos Gateway shields are located here:

Sorry there is no shield designed for NRF24L01.

If you need NRF24L01 version or if you just want to continue with the NodeMCU gateway you can, this repo is still alive and boards are working fine.

NodeMCU ESP8266 Gateway

The gateway can host several funny things like

  • Socket to plug a NodeMCU V1.0 (take care 2 version with different width)
  • Pins to connect I2C or SPI OLED 128x64
  • Pins to connect 2.2" or 1.8" TFT LCD
  • RFM69 or RFM12B on board module
  • RFM69, RFM12B or NRF24L01 on board module (on NRF version)
  • RFM92, RFM95, RFM96, RFM98, RFMH69, RFMHW69 or RFMHCW69 on board module (on LORA version)
  • Lipo Battery connector for testing and move the Gateway (no charger on board)
  • 3V3 On board regulator is provided by NodeMCU Board
  • Data connection for any cheap ebay ASK RX receiver
  • One Grove I2C connector to connect other I2C devices
  • 2 onboard nice WS2812 RGB LED
  • Footprint for Atmel ATSHA204 (I2C version due to lack of I/O)
  • Footprint for Microchip 64 bits Unique ID 24AA02E64 (on LORA version)
  • Created a version with NRF24L01 connector instead of a grove I2C (end of this page)
  • SMA or UFL Antenna connector

This page has been updated to reflect the GPIO changes and the PCB also, it's now V1.3.

NRF24L01 version are now tested thanks to mannkind. As suggested NRF version 1.2 has how been corrected to have NRF24L01 wiring same has mysensors configuration and added place for capacitor near NRF24L01.

LORA version have been tested by lafleur thanks to him.

Take care that on the market you can find lot of NODEMCU boards with different version, and they do not all fit on this. Just because sometime the width of the board if too high. Take care when you order a NodeMCU, see this postfor explanations

New Version 1.3 boards

New boards version V1.3 these boards have some improvments depending on version

  • SMA/UFL Antenna connector has been size reduced
  • Antenna trace and RF Module surrounded with via for better RF isolation
  • Increased "Isolate" ground planes to avoid shorts between connectors and ground (may happen sometimes after soldering)
  • I2C OLED connector is now "lock" version, you can just plug to test it will fit without connector
  • No more LED solder pad to choose VIN/3V3, added 1N4148 diode from 5V for the 1st LED to decrease VCC to 4.4V, always works
  • LORA version, added Microchip 64 bits Unique ID footprint 24AA02E64
  • LORA version, done a diode logic OR for DIO0/DIO1/DIO2 for current LIMC implementation

Version 1.2 boards

New boards version V1.2 these boards add a MOSFET transistor to protect againns reversed power supply. Trust me this will avoid you to burn some nodeMCU board (but nobody plug reversed powed, never ?)

New board, supporing LORA modules

Version 1.1 boards

Boards V1.1 are tested ok (RFM69), no problem at all, just SILK error on TFT connector, TFT pin 4 is RST or VIN (depending on solder pad) not GPIO0, also R3 10K is not needed since GPIO2 is already pulled up by 12K on nodeMCU boards.

SILK problem solved in V1.1a+, I also put VIN/RST solder pad bigger for easier soldering.

This is a bunch of V1.1 white PCB boards, nice ?

Version 1.1 boards

Boards V1.0 worked but I needed a fix for RMF69 pin connection to ESP826 GPIO, let me explain :
ESP8266 to boot correctly needs some pins at defined level, GPIO15 must be LOW and GPIO2 must be HIGH. Unfortunatlly with RFM69 connected as IRQ to GPIO2 and SS to GPIO15 it does not boot because RF69 pull it DIO IRQ to LOW, making GPIO2 LOW and ESP8266 not booting. The fix is to reverse the wiring, connect IRQ to GPIO15 and SS to GPIO2 (and do according changes in the code).

Detailed Description

No specific documentation for now, but very close in term of feature to Particle Gateway I created and blogged on this dedicated post

Schematic (Classic version)


Boards (Classic version)



You can order the PCB of this board at OSHPARK (V1.2) or the new V1.3 version at give me some reward when you order my designed boards from their site. This is pretty good, because I can use these rewards to create and design new boards and order boards for a discounted price, so if you don't care about PCB manufacturer please use

Assembled boards

V1.0 tested and assembled boards



With a nice 1.3" Oled display

Schematic (NRF24L01 version)


Boards (NRF24L01 version)



You can order the PCB of this board at OSHPARK (V1.2) or the new V1.3 version at give me some reward when you order my designed boards from their site. This is pretty good, because I can use these rewards to create and design new boards and order boards for a discounted price, so if you don't care about PCB manufacturer please use

Schematic (LORA version)


Boards (LORA version)



You can order the PCB of this board at OSHPARK (V1.2) or the new V1.3 version at give me some reward when you order my designed boards from their site. This is pretty good, because I can use these rewards to create and design new boards and order boards for a discounted price, so if you don't care about PCB manufacturer please use

Bill Of Material

Nothing fancy, all components are 0805 and can be ordered almost anywhere (digikey, mouser, radiospare, ...)

The tricky one is the RGB LED called "PL9823 F5" can be found on aliexpress or ebay.


You can do whatever you like with this design.


See news and other projects on my blog


NodeMCU ESP8266 RF Gateway and Display Board






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