- 1. Purpose of project
- 2. Server application structure
- 3. Prerequisites
- 4. How do I start
- 5. UI Design
- 6. References
- 7. Present simplifications and future improvements
Create a secure, versatile, simple multi stack application with pure JavaScript code, to act as a template for learning, further discussions and improvements.
as JavaScript runtime environmentExpress
as Node.js server frameworkMongoDB
as document/NoSql database
as stateless authentication token generatorBcrypt
as password hashing algoritmPassport
as authentication toolHelmet
as protection to well-known web vulnerabilities by setting HTTP headers appropriately
as real-time bi-directional event based communication library between web and server (todo...)Web Push
as web browser notification library (todo...)
as client template engine for using Express with server side rendering
Note! To be deprecated in favour of pure html.
as object modeling tool for MongoDB
as UI kitFontawesome
as icon kit
as transpiler of modern ECMAScript to ES5Webpack
as production build toolcssnano
as CSS compression tool powered by PostCSSNodemon
as live reload tool for node server (dev)Browsersync
as live reload tool for browser (dev)cors
as cross-origin resource sharing enablerdotenv-safe
as environment provider
Description of the most important parts of the structure.
├── api # Express route controllers for all endpoints
├── assets # Static assets for server side rendered pages
├── config # Configuration including environment variables
├── loaders # Express startup process split into specific modules
├── models # Moongoose database models
├── services # Business logic services
└── views # Handlebars templates used by server side redering
.env # Environment variables
server.js # Server entry point
Install Node.js
(version 12). MongoDB
could be installed locally on your development machine or e.g. provided by MongoDB Atlas in the cloud.
All other packages are installed isolated inside the project.
cd to-your-working-folder
git clone https://github.com/hakalb/express-stack-lab.git
Install project dependencies to node_modules
npm i
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --fork
Create an environment file from the provided example och edit with your settings.
cp .env.example .env
should be kept secret and not shared with anyone not trusted.
npm run dev
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
Add application debug to terminal (optional).
DEBUG=app:* npm run dev
You can also include more namespaces for more extended debug; e.g. app,express
npm run build
npm run server:prod
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000.
Or build for production and start at once.
npm run prod
Fontawesome is installed to use SVG icons together with jQuery. This will enable event binding and other DOM manipulations.
- https://expressjs.com/en/starter/generator.html
- https://github.com/pillarjs/hbs
- https://handlebarsjs.com/
- https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/
- https://docs.mongodb.com/compass/current/
- https://mongoosejs.com/
- https://getbootstrap.com/
- https://fontawesome.com/
- http://www.passportjs.org/
- https://jwt.io/
- https://github.com/web-push-libs/web-push
- https://github.com/rolodato/dotenv-safe
- Replace Handlebars with pure html files to be able to use ES6 everywhere and to get better builds
- Use
instead ofnodemon
(same as above) - Use
for REST-api calls to complete the login process
- Remove jQuery dependency
- ...