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Prototype for openlyrics single-source project to display OpenLyrics XML on screen and print media with pure CSS or XSLT(+CSS).


  • GNU Make (for building)
  • xmllint (for checking XML files and OpenLyrics validity)
  • xsltproc (for XSLT transformations)
  • xmlformat (to make pretty printed OpenLyrics XML)
  • Prince or WeasyPrint or Paged.js (to create PDF output): Prince supports XML and HTML output, WeasyPrint and Paged.js supports only HTML version. Prince is the default tool.


Main goal is to use OpenLyrics XML as single source for lyrics projection (OpenLP) and creating chordsheets for web browsers and for print media (PDF) as well as printed songbooks. This project adds an CSS or XSLT stylesheet to OpenLyrics (not part of the standard) to display OpenLyrics with web browsers (XML or HTML) or PDF readers. By design XML+CSS output is for OpenLyrics editors, and XSLT(HTML)+CSS version is for publishers to create songbooks.


Download and open XML files with Firefox or Chrome. Pay atteintion on local file security policy, use make http. For available actions see make help. For building install prerequisites and run 'make'.

Two diplay method:

  • Pure CSS: display XML with CSS (for editors)
  • XSLT ("xsl" in the file name): convert XML with XSLT transformation to HTML and display with HTML+CSS (for publishers)


  • /songs: Sample OpenLyrics (0.8 and 0.9) source files (can be viewed with web browsers)
  • /books: Generated songbooks from OpenLyrics source files
  • /stylesheets: CSS and XSLT stylesheets for individual OL files and for books
  • /tool: tools for converting
  • /export-chordpro: Converted OpenLyrics files to ChordPro
  • /export-openlyrics-0.8: Converted OpenLyrics files back to 0.8
  • /export-pdf: Converted OpenLyrics file to PDF

OpenLyrics 0.9

We use unreleased 0.9 version of OpenLyrics. During this project we have designed and developed new elements and attributes for OpenLyrics 0.9, which have already been included:

There are a simple converter to current wide used OpenLyrics 0.8 and ChordPro standards.