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Build Management

Macocian Alexandru Victor edited this page Dec 10, 2024 · 6 revisions

Open the Build management view

Expand the Guild Wars menu section and open the Manage builds view


Delete an existing build

  1. Open the Build management view

  2. Find the desired build

  3. Click on the bin button to delete the build


Create a new build

  1. Open the Build management view

  2. Click on the add button in the top right of the build list. One button creates a team build and the other creates a single build


Manage the build list

  1. Open the Build management view

  2. Clicking on any build in the list will open the selected build


  1. Search for build

  2. Delete any build

Search for a build

Search for build by typing in the Search text box


Build template code detection

Daybreak can detect builds when using the embedded browser. Selecting and right-clicking a valid build template code will open a context menu allowing the user to load the build, modify and save it.

Alternatively, if downloading a text file containing a build template, Daybreak will check the content of the text file and if it matches a build template, it will load the build and allow the user to modify and save it.

Daybreak automatically detects single and team builds depending on the template code.


Edit a build

  1. Open the Build management view

  2. Click on the desired build. This opens the build edit view


  1. If you want to convert this to a team build, click on the team build button in the top right part of the screen


  1. Adjust the build properties
    • Adjust the name by writing in the name text box. Prepend '[Folder Name]' to add folders to the build path image
    • Adjust the source of the build. If the build has been downloaded through the embedded browser, this field will be automatically populated with the page it was retrieved from image
    • Clicking on the browser button next to the source will open a browser view with the source page of the build image
    • Adjust the build code by writing in the build code text box. This code can also be pasted in Guild Wars image
    • Adjust the professions by expanding the profession selection and clicking on the desired profession image
    • Clicking on the help button next to the professions will open an embedded browser and redirect to the profession page image
    • Clicking on the help button next to the attributes will open an embedded browser and redirect to the attribute page image
    • Adjust the attribute points by pressing the plus and minus buttons on the attribute section. Attribute points are subtracted from the total allocated build points image
    • Clicking on an empty skill slot will open a skill list with available skills (filtered by the selected profession). Click on any skill from the skill list to add it to the build image
    • Clicking on an assigned skill slot will open an embedded browser and redirect to the skill page image
    • To remove a skill from the build, click on the remove button in the top right corner of the skill slot image
    • Save the build by clicking on the save button image

Adjusting team builds


  1. Code field contains the template code for the entire team build. Adjusting it will adjust all builds in the team build


  1. Sub-build code field contains the template code for the currently selected sub-build of the team build. Adjusting it will adjust only the currently selected build


  1. To add a new sub-build to the team build, click on the Add button in the top right of the Team builds section


  1. To remove a sub-build from the team build, click on the Bin button in next to the desired build


Missing skill icons

If skill icons are missing, enable the icon downloader

Build synchronization

Build synchronization stores your build list on your OneDrive (currently only OneDrive is supported) so that you can access your builds when changing devices.

The integration is based on an authorization token given after signing in to the Daybreak app registered on Azure. This authorization token is stored encrypted locally on your device.

The authorization is done completely locally and no credentials or authorization tokens are shared outside the device.

For more in-depth information, check the OAuth2 implementation on Azure.

You can always revoke the authorization by following these steps

Opening build synchronization view

  1. Open the Build management view

  2. Click on the synchronization button


Authorizing the application

  1. Open the Build Synchronization view

  2. Log into your OneDrive account and authorize Daybreak to access your OneDrive files image

Deleting the authorization token

  1. Open the Build Synchronization view

  2. Click on the 'Log Out' button image

  3. Optionally, revoke the application authorization by following these steps

Synchronization status

  1. Open the Build Synchronization view

  2. Check the synchronization status by looking at the glyph on the top of the page. image means that the local and remote builds are not the same. image means that the local and remote builds are the same.

  3. Check the differences

Navigating the synchronization page

  1. Open the Build Synchronization view

  2. The list on the left side of the screen is the local build list (builds that are stored locally). The list on the right side of the screen is the remove build list (builds that are stored remotely on your OneDrive) image

  3. 'Upload all' button deletes all remote builds and uploads all the local builds

  4. 'Download all' button deletes all the local builds and downloads all the remote builds

  5. 'Upload Build' button uploads the currently selected local build

  6. 'Download Build' button downloads the currently selected remote build

Build list differences

  1. Open the Build Synchronization view

  2. Builds highlighted in the local list are local builds that are different from the remote builds

  3. Builds highlighted in the remote list are remote builds that are different from the local builds


Revoking the authorization token

To revoke the authorization token, sign in into your Microsoft account, navigate to the "Apps and services" page, select Daybreak and click "Remove these permissions" image

Integration with GWToolbox builds

Daybreak supports GWToolbox builds. It can load and save builds managed by GWToolbox as well as export vanilla Guild Wars builds into GWToolbox configuration.

Accessing GWToolbox builds

  1. Open the Build management view

  2. GWToolbox builds have a label marked GWToolboxpp build above their names to indicate that they are builds fetched from GWToolbox config image

Deleting a GWToolbox build

Follow the steps for deleting a build

Editing a GWToolbox build

Daybreak treats GWToolbox builds as Team builds. Follow the guide for adjusting team builds

Saving a GWToolbox build

Daybreak saves changes made to a GWToolbox build to the config of GWToolbox. Follow the guide on editing builds to see how to save a build

Exporting a vanilla build to GWToolbox

Daybreak allows you to export vanilla builds to GWToolbox config. Currently, Daybreak allows you to export only team builds to GWToolbox. Follow the guide on editing builds to learn how to convert a single build to a team build.

To export a team build to GWToolbox, click on the GWToolbox icon in the top right corner of the screen, next to the save icon. image

Once back in the build list view, your build should now appear in the list with the GWToolbox label