Shopit helps you manage your shopping lists in an easy and practical way. It's recommended for people who are constantly in need of remembering what they had to buy on a store, or people that have to be writing their lists on paper. If that's your case, Shopit will surely help you.
Technologies | Things I Learned | Layout | License
⭐ Shopit also has its website, check it out here to download it ⭐.
This app was intirely made with React Native w/ Expo and Typescript.
- React Native
- Expo
- React Navigation
- uuid
- Async Storage
- Typescript
This project made a huge diference on how I think my personal projects, majorly because it was kinda hard to plan how things would work. I learned how to use Navigation in React Native, because you can't use links like in a plain HTML file. When refactoring the whole project, I had to rethink the model I was using to fetch all the data. I stored all the app data in one big array, and if the app growed larger I knew this would be a performance issue. So I made two arrays that connected bythe same Id, and I think this made a pretty big difference on the project. I implemented two contexts also, that was kinda tricky because every component needed some information, so I had to think very accuratelly to make it work.
In the end, with lots of energy and thinking to solve every issue, everything worked, and honestly I had lots of fun making Shopit. 💯💯
Note: Mobile is the actual app. Web is its website folder.
This project does not have a layout on Figma.
This project is under MIT license.
Made by Gustavo Zonta 👋