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Release 1.2.1

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@myungchoi myungchoi released this 20 Apr 16:22
· 11 commits to master since this release

04/20/2017 Release.


  1. download gt-fhir-webapp.war from here
  2. backup copy *.xml from existing folder (/webapp/gt-fhir-webapp/WEB-INFO/) to somewhere you can access later.
  3. remove /webapp/gt-fhir-webapp/ and /webapp/gt-fhir-webapp.war
  4. copy the new downloaded gt-fhir-webapp.war to /webapp/
  5. restart tomcat server.
  6. step 5 will create /webapp/gt-fhir-webapp/ directory. Copy backup *.xml files to /webapp/gt-fhir-webapp/WEB-INF/
  7. restart tomcat server.