v2.2.0 (2021-02-09)
Fixed bugs:
- [protoc-gen-openapiv2] [BUG] Incorrect handling of non-wildcard google.api.http.body when using field_behaviour annotation #1937
- Duplicate tags seen in Swagger Specification #1913
- Poor error message when using message in path parameter #1863
Closed issues:
- can we add HTTPStatusFromCode to mux? #1954
- Missing types in generated gw.go file for C++ server #1942
- What is the recommend way to bind 3rd party APIs (e.g. Health/Check to /healthzf #1931
- Patch request with field_masks #1930
- Working from the helloworld example but getting an error on HTTP requests: grpc: the client connection is closing. Would like to improve the docs. #1924
- Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration #1918
- F #1917
- Is any method to access the raw request body in metadata? #1908
- Custom incoming header matcher isn't working as expected #1902
- README.md links to https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang/protobuf/jsonpb which does not exist #1901
- Is it possible to setup CORS? #1889
Merged pull requests:
- Add documenation for standalone gateway generation #1955 (dgparker)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to bba0dbe (master) #1953 (renovate[bot])
- Make fieldmask parser output deterministic #1950 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update golang Docker tag to v1.15.8 (master) #1949 (renovate[bot])
- Fix verb parsing #1947 (jefferai)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to deb8283 (master) #1945 (renovate[bot])
- Fix malformed Schema Reference during field_behavior generation #1944 (gganley)
- Update dependency com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools to v4 (master) #1939 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 3206188 (master) #1936 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 646a494 (master) #1934 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 0101308 (master) #1933 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 94839c0 (master) #1932 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to f9ce19e (master) #1928 (renovate[bot])
- Update rules_proto commit hash to a0761ed (master) #1927 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 44e461b (master) #1926 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to f46fe6c (master) #1923 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to af13f52 (master) #1922 (renovate[bot])
- Multiple repeated fields are allowed #1921 (topherCantrell)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 8081c04 (master) #1920 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to fc48d45 (master) #1919 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to f5e8c5e (master) #1915 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang Docker tag to v1.15.7 (master) #1912 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to e258113 (master) #1910 (renovate[bot])
- Update docs for bug fix and expanding HTTP status codes in Customizing your gateway #1907 (bconway)
- Update rules_proto commit hash to cfdc2fa (master) #1906 (renovate[bot])
- Remove jsonpb reference #1904 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 6edceaf (master) #1903 (renovate[bot])
- Update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.35.0 (master) #1899 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to d3ed898 (master) #1898 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to ae06605 (master) #1897 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 8b1d76f (master) #1896 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 01de73c (master) #1895 (renovate[bot])
- Reworked Error message in newParam() in services.go #1894 (gunadhya)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 22ae2b1 (master) #1893 (renovate[bot])
- Update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.34.1 (master) #1891 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to c7d5778 (master) #1890 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to ffc7fda (master) #1888 (renovate[bot])