Releases: gregoriodelasheras/myvhs-server
Releases · gregoriodelasheras/myvhs-server
- Implement CORS
- Add password hashing to the user schema (Mongoose ODM) and integrate it into the login and registration HTTP handlers to ensure that passwords aren't stored in the database without first being hashed.
- Add data validation to any endpoint that's expecting data in the request body (only validate data that’s been formatted as expected). If entered data doesn't meet the requirements, an error message should be sent as an HTTP response back to the client.
- Deploy the application to Heroku.
- Upload the database to MongoDB Atlas.
- The Heroku application connects to the database in MongoDB Atlas via an URI protected in an environment variable.
- Application tested in Postman to check data security at endpoints (authentication, authorization and data validation).
- Add packages / libraries for basic HTTP authentication and JWT authentication with Passport.
- Define two authentication strategies (LocalStrategy and JWTStrategy).
- Create a new login endpoint for registered users that contains logic for authenticating users with basic HTTP authentication and generating a JWT token for authenticating future requests.
- Integrate the two Passport strategies as middleware into each of the existing API endpoints so that only users with a JWT token can make requests to the API.
- A document-oriented database has been developed with MongoDB.
- Add MongoDB, Mongoose ODM and body-parser to the project.
- Define the models for the MongoDB database and write business logic for the API and database using Mongoose.
- Create the schema for the database using Mongoose models.
- Import the models.js file into the main index.js file, integrating the models with the rest of the application.
- Update each request method with the new business logic.
- Test each method in Postman with sample data to verify functionality.
- Add Postman backup file for testing environment
- Update the API documentation with the new business logic
- Add in the Documentation a table with the API endpoints and create the express code in the index.js file to route all the endpoints of future requests.
- All endpoints were tested with Postman to ensure that they were correctly created.
- Set up express.js, add morgan module, remove lodash module
- Add and configure ESLint
- Add 2 express GET Methods
- Move "documentation.html" file to "public" folder
- First GET route located at the endpoint “/” that returns a default textual response
- Second GET route located at the endpoint "/movies" that returns a JSON object containing data about top 10 movies.
- Use express.static to serve files from the public folder
- Add Morgan middleware library to log all requests
- Add an error-handling middleware function that will log all application-level errors to the terminal
- Add lodash, express and body-parser packages via npm
- Update gitignore file to ignore node_modules folder
- Add favicon and logo
- Create index.js file
- Remove first server test files of the previous version
- Add server with the first Node modules (http, url and fs) to return files to the user and log request.
- Add index and documentation pages.
- Add a log text to record the request URL and a timestamp when the user accesses the web app.
- Add first server test.