Tooling for Flask.
pip install -e git+git://
Creates,, test suite, readme, and sets up gitignore.
flasktool create ext
All apps created with flasktool come with a ton of stuff for free.
All you have to do is write your app, write some tests, change a few settings
in your fabfile and hit fab deploy
Some of the things included are:
- Default templates with HTML5 Boilerplate included
- Ready to go that uses the excellent Flask-Script package
- Supervisord config to run your app on uwsgi
- Nginx config and required dependencies
- Pre built fabfile for deployment on ec2 via Fabric
- Default .gitignore for .DS_Store, *.pyc and supervisord logs
- Base requirements.txt
To create an app using the factory pattern (currently being updated with more hotness):
flasktool create app MyApp
To create a simple app (models, views, etc in a single
flasktool create app MyApp --layout=simple
Check out exampleappsimple/ to see what you get just from this one command.