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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


This app demonstrates how to add file upload support to PostGraphile using the GraphQL Multipart Request Spec.



Quick Start

Clone this repo.

In one terminal:

cd server
createdb upload_example
psql -d upload_example -f schema.sql
yarn start

In another terminal:

cd client
yarn start

The app should now be fully functional at localhost:3000. Uploaded files will be stored locally in /server/uploads.

How does it work?

The server code should be relatively straightforward if you're familiar with PostGraphile. The graphql-upload middleware handles the multipart requests using busboy. The postgraphile-plugin-upload-field plugin for PostGraphile is minimally documented, but briefly, match is a function used to specify the file upload metadata columns and resolve is a function that handles the actual file upload stream.

The client is full of React/Apollo boilerplate. The unique parts are:

Preserving metadata

By default, the example app only stores the local file path to Postgres. To preserve additional metadata, change the header_image_file column type to JSONB and replace the resolveUpload function with the following:

async function resolveUpload(upload) {
  const { filename, mimetype, encoding, createReadStream } = upload;
  const stream = createReadStream();
  // Save file to the local filesystem
  const { id, path } = await saveLocal({ stream, filename });
  // Return metadata to save it to Postgres
  return {

After making this change, you'll also need to update the client app to use the path property of the object.

For a more robust solution, consider using something like postgraphile-plugin-derived-field to expose URLs through GraphQL instead of exposing the raw path/metadata.

If you're streaming file uploads to an object storage service such as S3, you can also use the derived field plugin to generate pre-signed URLs for clients.