Add a brief description
If you are new to github, please, create a user account and send your username to Olivier or Valentin#1 to get added to the grand-mother's poeple.
- a useful start is to checkout provided Git Cheat Sheets, e.g. link to one short git guide or link to a sheet
clone this repository:
git clone
git pull
to get your repository up-to-date -
Implement your ideas/changes etc. Be aware that those ones are not in conflict with other user's needs. Therefore run the tests:
python3 -m tests
Write up a documentation to your implemented function etc. (tool to be identified, worst case: docstring in code). Implement tests to prevent other user to break your needed functionality.
Commit with messages and push:
git commit -m '<what was done>' <file>; git push
. NOTE: This will be changed to a pull request soon-ish. -
Validate that travis build tests pass after commiting
The code will become available as a package.
Open issues are marked with a TODO, Comments are marked with NOTE. Those scripts are still under devlopement and are currently merging with the grand package! Tests for some parts of the code have still to be written.
If you find any bug etc, please raise an issue and we will try to fix it asap. This will give us the chance to improve the coding and to think about the best way to solve the problem.
At the moment we can just guarantee that the script work with python3.7 on Linux.
ATTENTION: The electric field should be given un muV/s!
The GRAND software is distributed under the LGPL-3.0 license. See the provided