Repo for the analysis of GP13 and G@A data from the PSU team.
The directory grand_psu_lib contains the core of the codes. It contains two directories, utils and modules.
- Utils contains the utility scripts
- Modules contains the core of the library
The directory scripts contains the scripts used for specific analysis. It is those scripts that use the code contained in the grand_psu_lib directory.
The directory tools contains command-line scripts that can use to perform quick and repetitive analysis of GRAND files.
The only file to run is tools/ The command is --file_path FILE_PATH --plot_path PLOT_PATH --site SITE [--do_fourier_vs_time DO_FOURIER_VS_TIME] [--du_list DU_LIST [DU_LIST ...]] [--base BASE]
is the path of ther root files to analyse. It is fed to glob in the code so that it ios possible to analyse several files of a same run. Possible syntax are given below. In case of widl card or [], it is necessary to use quotes.
--file_path "$PATH/data/auger/TD/td002022_f000[1-2].root"
--file_path $PATH/data/auger/TD/td002022_f0001.root
--file_path "$PATH/data/auger/TD/td002022_f000*.root"
is the main folder where the plots will be stored. If a single file is given in file_path then the plots will be stored in $file_path/basename_of_the_file. For example --file_path $PATH/data/auger/TD/td002022_f0001.root --plot_path ./plots/run2022
will save plots in a folder ./plots/run2022/td002022_f0001. If file_path corresponds to more than one file, then the basename of the file is ill-defined and the user can specify the desired name in the base parameters. Is base is unspecified then the plots will be in $plot_path/many_files. Examples: --file_path $PATH/data/auger/TD/td002022_f000*.root --plot_path ./plots/run2022
will save plots in ./plots/run2022/mane_files, where as --file_path $PATH/data/auger/TD/td002022_f000*.root --plot_path ./plots/run2022 --base all_files
will save plots in ./plots/run2022/all_files.
is a required parameter that indicates if the root files are from GP13 or GRAND@Auger. Must be either gaa or gp13.
is a boolean (True or False) to produce the Fourier vs time plots. Those are long and memory heavy to produce, especially for many files, so it is False by default.
can be used top limit the du used in the analysis. ... --du_list 84 151