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Kelsey Gilbert edited this page Nov 4, 2022 · 5 revisions

(Please check the mailing list for announcements of each meeting. Those announcements are the source of truth, not this page)

All times and dates are in the timezone America/Los_Angeles.

Our meetings have calendar invites with attached Google Meet invites. To be added to the invites, or for more information about the meetings, check with the contact for the meeting.

WGSL meeting

Time: Every Tuesday 11am-noon.

Contact: Kelsey Gilbert [email protected]

WGSL "Office Hours" (optional)

Time: Every Wednesday 10am-11am.

Contact: Kelsey Gilbert [email protected]

"Office Hours" are offered as open, supplemental, and very optional collaboration sessions to work on details and brainstorming. No decisions are made during office hours except ones that would be otherwise resolved on GitHub issues/PRs. Our "official" discussion and decision session/forum is still the WGSL meeting itself.

API meeting

Time: Every Wednesday noon-1pm.

Contact: Corentin Wallez [email protected]

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