Unbox bindings for Moya for easier JSON serialization. Includes RxSwift and ReactiveSwift bindings as well.
Use the following entry in your Podfile
pod 'MoyaUnbox', '1.0.0'
The subspec if you want to use the bindings over RxSwift.
pod 'MoyaUnbox/RxSwift', '1.0.0'
And the subspec if you want to use the bindings over ReactiveSwift.
pod 'MoyaUnbox/ReactiveSwift', '1.0.0'
Create a model struct or class. It needs to implement protocol Unboxable. More details about model creation here
import Foundation
import Unbox
struct Repository: Unboxable {
let identifier: Int
let name: String
let fullName: String
let language: String? // Optional property
init(unboxer: Unboxer) throws {
identifier = try unboxer.unbox(key: "id")
name = try unboxer.unbox(key: "name")
fullName = try unboxer.unbox(key: "full_name")
language = unboxer.unbox(key: "language")
Then you have methods that extends the response from Moya. These methods are:
map(to: type) // map object
map(to: type, fromKey: key) // map object
map(to: [type]) // map array of objects
map(to: [type], fromKey: key) // map array of objects
While using map(to: type)
tries to map whole response data to object,
with map(to: type, fromKey: key)
you can specify nested object in a response to
fetch. For example map(to: type, fromKey: "data.response.user")
will go through
dictionary of data, through dictionary of response to dictionary of user, which it
will parse.
For RxSwift
and ReactiveSwift
additionally methods for optional mapping are provided.
These methods are:
mapOptional(to: type)
mapOptional(to: type, fromKey: key)
mapOptional(to: [type])
mapOptional(to: [type], fromKey: key)
See examples below, or in a Demo project.
provider = MoyaProvider<GitHub>()
provider.request(GitHub.repos(username: "gperdomor")) { (result) in
if case .success(let response) = result {
do {
let repos = try response.map(to: [Repository.self])
} catch Error.jsonMapping(let error) {
print(try? error.mapString())
} catch {
provider = RxMoyaProvider<GitHub>()
provider.request(GitHub.repo(fullName: "gperdomor/sygnaler"))
.map(to: Repository.self)
.subscribe { event in
switch event {
case .next(let repo):
case .error(let error):
default: break
Additionally, modules for RxSwift
contains optional mappings. It basically means that if the mapping fails, mapper doesn't throw errors but returns nil. For instance:
provider = RxMoyaProvider<GitHub>()
.request(GitHub.repos(username: "gperdomor"))
.mapOptional(to: [Repository.self])
.subscribe { event in
switch event {
case .next(let repos):
// Here we can have either nil or [Repository] object.
case .error(let error):
default: break
provider = ReactiveSwiftMoyaProvider<GitHub>()
.request(GitHub.repos(username: "gperdomor"))
.map(to: [Repository.self])
.start { event in
switch event {
case .value(let repos):
case .failed(let error):
default: break
Additionally, modules for ReactiveSwift
contains optional mappings. It basically means that if the mapping fails, mapper doesn't throw errors but returns nil. For instance:
provider = ReactiveSwiftMoyaProvider<GitHub>()
.request(GitHub.repos(username: "gperdomor"))
.mapOptional(to: [Repository.self])
.start { event in
switch event {
case .value(let repos):
// Here we can have either nil or [Repository] object.
case .failed(let error):
default: break
There's a sample project in the Demo directory. To use it, run pod install
to download the required libraries. Have fun!
- MoyaModelMapper: ModelMapper bindings for Moya
- MoyaObjectMapper: ObjectMapper bindings for Moya
Hey! Like MoyaUnbox? Awesome! We could actually really use your help!
Open source isn't just writing code. MoyaUnbox could use your help with any of the following:
- Finding (and reporting!) bugs.
- New feature suggestions.
- Answering questions on issues.
- Documentation improvements.
- Reviewing pull requests.
- Helping to manage issue priorities.
- Fixing bugs/new features.
If any of that sounds cool to you, send a pull request! After a few contributions, we'll add you as an admin to the repo so you can merge pull requests and help steer the ship 🚢
MoyaUnbox is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.