Integration Test using specify *.feature
= continuous scenario testing
ex) KeyValueDtoScenario.feature
Java 11
Spring Boot 2.4.5
Junit 5
Gradle 6.8.3
- You can learn how to use Karate by reading the text in the appropriate language.
If both methods are activated in DemoRunner,
an error occurs due to data duplication.
So, if you want to use that command line,
you need to enable only one in DemoRunner and comment out the rest.
./gradlew test --tests DemoRunner -Dkarate.options=classpath:karate/demo/get.feature
./gradlew test --tests DemoRunner -Dkarate.options=classpath:karate/demo/post.feature
./gradlew test --tests DemoRunner -Dkarate.options="--tags ~@CreateValue classpath:karate/demo/post.feature"
./gradlew test --tests KarateTests