Small static server for hosting content around the ActivityPub protocol and the Fediverse at large.
The current idea being considered is to build a library of content written by both technical and non-technical folks, with their permission. Hopefully an archive of voices will help influence developers that are building off of the ActivityPub protocol and designing applications.
Part of the idea is, naively following in a librarian's footsteps, to also catalogue and categorize the works. The categories being proposed are:
- Problems - Identifies what could be improved, changed, or fixed. May be technical, but does not have to be.
- Analysis - Linking problems together and examining one or more possible solutions, which may be technical, but do not have to be.
- Experiments - For folks wanting to either build an ActivityPub application, or improve the protocol itself, or run an instance in an unusual way, this is an outlet for that work.
Hopefully this will lower the barrier of fostering a collaborative environment between users and more developers.
One would definitely be needed if more folks want to participate in running and operating the site.