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Gabriel Neutzling

E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +55 48 991653232
Location: Brazil

I have been working with frontend development for the last 10 years, focused in build great products for different type of customers. I am focused in the world of Javascript, including ReactJS and always looking for new tools, modules and ways to improve my skills and sharing knowledge with the whole team. I like environments where we can apply the practical principles of Agile and Lean methodologies in the day-by-day. In addition I believe that we can have better place to work when we have self organizing teams.


I am looking for a position as frontend engineer where I can work closely with backend technologies, in order to become a fullstack developer. I'm interested in being part of a team that is looking to build creative products and innovative experiences. In addition I would like to contribute with my experience in Agile.


Undergraduate degree in Software Analysis and Development

Professional Experience

Frontend Engineer - Ignus (February 2018 – August 2019) - Remote

Ignus Digital builds products that impact people. Together we created products using React, Apollo, GraphQL, Jest, react-testing-library and other technologies related to Javascript.

Stack: React, GraphQL, Apollo, Redux, Webpack, Styled Components, CSS in JS, Jest, Enzyme, BabelJS, ESLint, Javascript, GIT.

Software Developer - Picter (February 2017 – February 2018) - Remote

Picter is a product built for photographers where they can find challenges and submit their pictures. It was an amazing experience working with a team localized in Germany. I was the first developer there from brazil and found other amazing folks to work with us in Brazil, remotely.

Stack: React, Redux, Webpack, ES6, Immutable, Jest, Enzyme, EmberJS, BabelJS, ESLint, Javascript, Stylus, SASS, GIT.

Software Developer - Cheesecake Labs (July 2016 – February 2017)

Worked in projects for customers based in San Francisco where the most of them were MVP. The development process was based with pull request and code review on Github and usually made code reviews related to Javascript using React.

Stack: React, Redux, Webpack, ES6, Immutable, BabelJS, ESLint, Javascript, CSS Modules, PostCSS, SASS, GIT.

Software Developer - Taller Digital Business (June 2014 – July 2016)

I've worked with development of websites using Drupal focused in frontend, applying Lean principles and Agile methodologies.


Stack: Drupal, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, SASS, Bootstrap, React, Protractor, BDD, GIT, Vagrant.

Frontend Developer - Sábia Experience S/A (February 2014 – April 2014)

I've worked as a Angular developer in the views part, developing applications for a platform designed to allow the easy creation and editing of immersive experiences that enable the analysis and planning of future actions.

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Angular, LESS, GIT.

Frontend Developer - Tiki (October 2013 – February 2014)

Hired to move from Pelotas, RS to Florianópolis and integrate the frontend development team. During this time we have developed some apps, websites and e-commerce for local companies.

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, SASS, PHP, MySQL, GIT.

Software Developer - Frontphant (May 2013 – Present)

Co-Founder and software developer working with web development. Frontphant is a group of independent frontend developers based on Brazil.


Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, SASS, LESS, PHP, CakePHP, Wordpress, MySQL, GIT.

Frontend Developer - Conrad Caine GmbH (December 2010 – October 2013)

I have worked as a frontend developer in several projects for internacional companies as Siemens, Allianz, Sky, Red Bull and others. In that time I've developed websites, blogs, Facebook apps, etc.

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, SASS, LESS, Facebook API, Youtube API, Wordpress, GIT, SVN.

Trainee - IFSUL (October 2010 – December 2010)

Trainee in the technology department of institute. I have worked closely with the backend team, being responsible for the HTML and CSS development of internal systems.

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery.

Projects and Community Contribution

Protractor Drupal Framework

A test automation framework for Drupal apps, written using Protractor and the PageObjects pattern.

Team members: @gneutzling, @lucasconstantino, @wlsf82

To build an app in 5 hours, that was the challenge. That is how came to life, providing an easier way to visualize Facebook events.

Team members: @bdsmoura, @dreinke, @ggrana, @gneutzling


My curriculum.






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