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Gleidson Neves da Silveira edited this page Jan 29, 2019 · 30 revisions

Welcome to the DashboardFx wiki!

This wiki is the main source of documentation for developers working with (or contributing to) the DashboardFX project.

This page is reference version 0.3.21

First, take a look in the main structure, that contain three directories.


This is my local structure, unlike the git repository, you can see more directories or extra files not versioned, as annotation.txt, out or .idea, are local files created by IDE or do not have relation to the project.

In the folders source(src) and in lib(library), contain what is necessary to carry for an idea. Inside the lib folder, I put the dependencies for this project as several jars, that I always update, I like to keep the folder in local, in src we have:


Global is a folder of the global dashboard control, where the classes included can be called any part of the project.


The module contains the structures, views, and media of the application.


The theme contains the parts of the stylization the CSS and fonts, organized in a Tree for the scene.

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