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CLI to generate missing translation keys and missing properties files and remove unused keys for a given language.


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CLI to generate missing translation keys and missing properties files and remove unused keys for a given language.

This is a fork from the original Perl script available at the official Jenkins project.



You will need to have Perl version 5.14 or higher available in your system, which should be default for UNIX-like operational systems like Linux and MacOSX.

Just drop to a shell session and enter:

cpan Jenkins::i18n

If you never used the cpan CLI, a lot of questions you be prompt to you, but it's safe to accept all the defaults.

Detailed description

There are several ways to install Perl modules, all very well documented by the community. Those external dependencies are all Perl modules available at CPAN.

Here is a list of ways to do it:

  1. Install with cpan CLI and local::lib.
  2. Install perlbrew, install your personal perl then use cpan CLI.
  3. Install modules as root using cpan CLI: worst and not recommended method.

Differences from the original tool

jtt is:

  • faster
  • uses less memory
  • better adapted to development best practices

When compared to

New features

Search for terms on translated values

For use cases that you need to find a term that is used among the translated files, you can use the --search options to do that.

If the term is found, warnings are emitted, per file, every time the term was matched.

Improved online documentation

$ jtt --help
      jtt --lang=xx

        --dir=directory    -> source folder for searching files, optional
        --help             -> print this help message and exits
        --man              -> provides this CLI manpage and exits
        --lang=xx          -> language code to use
        --add              -> optional, generate new files and add new keys to existing
                              files if present
        --remove           -> optional, remove unused key/value pair for existing files
                              if present
        --counter          -> optional, to each translated key, unique value is added
                              to easily identify match missing translation with value
                              in source code if present
        --target=directory -> optional, target directory for writing files
        --debug            -> optional, print debugging messages to STDOUT when they
                              are available

Better formatted output

Warnings per translation file:

Got warnings for core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/
	Empty 'HealthReport.EmptyString'
	Empty 'MultiStageTimeSeries.EMPTY_STRING'
	Same 'UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.maven'
	Same 'UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.devops'
	Same 'UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.devsecops'
	Same 'JDK.DisplayName'
	Same 'Hudson.DisplayName'
	Same 'Item.Permissions.Title'
	Same 'Queue.Unknown'
	Same 'Run.Summary.Unknown'

This is a translation summary:

         Translation Status

    Status         Total      %
    Done           2044     98.64
    Missing        0        0
    Orphan         5        0.241
    Empty          2        0.096
    Same           21       1.013
    No Jenkins     0        0

No caching

The script tried to implement some sort of processing results caching, but that didn't work very well. On the other hand, the script should produce results reasonably fast (~2,7s in a Intel i5-7200U 2.50GHz with encrypted disk), so it's not an issue per see not having it.

Cache may be implemented in the future again.

No encoding conversion

The script tried to convert Jenkins properties from ASCII to UTF-8 and vice-versa using regular expressions. No need to tell how well that worked.

The best way to achieve proper encoding that is to use your preferred IDE, see the suggested workflow for more details on that.

No editor execution

jtt won't execute a given editor per missing file. This might be seem as a useful feature, but it can become a real issue if you have hundred of files to be open in a IDE.

Different IDE's have different ways to handle that (like opening tabs), which might be useful per see, but stills can hog down your computer if too many are required.

Reviewed command line options

Command line options are now properly handled with parsing and validation.

Always includes original sentences

When there are new keys to translate, the original English text will always be included with the ---TranslateMe prefix (which must be removed, obviously).

Known terms are skipped

Some known key values like URLs and proper names are just ignored when comparing the original values (in English) with the selected language (--lang).

State of Jenkins translations

jtt also can report the state of translations for all identified language codes in the Jenkins repository:

$ jtt --all
Hang on, this might take a while.
Searching for all translatable files... Warning: ignoring the files at src/test and target/.
Done! ✓
Now searching for all available languages... Done! ✓
Now verifying each language translated status...

         Translation Status

    Language code        %
    pt_BR              98.98
    it                 83.67
    zh_TW              70.87
    bg                 66.68
    de                 66.63
    ja                 57.82
    sr                 57.05
    es                 52.33
    ru                 44.15
    da                 42.60
    fr                 42.32
    pl                 34.66
    lt                 30.90
    nl                 24.98
    tr                 18.63
    lv                 14.49
    sv_SE              14.10
    ko                 12.51
    sk                 11.02
    fi                 9.484
    nb_NO              8.762
    cs                 8.570
    uk                 8.088
    pt_PT              7.896
    he                 6.451
    et                 5.055
    ca                 4.622
    ro                 4.188
    sl                 3.996
    el                 3.851
    es_AR              2.888
    zh_CN              0.722
    en_GB              0.192

This report was retrieve at 2022-11-15 14:15:18-03:00.

See also

  • A suggested workflow to carry on translations with jtt.
  • A bit of history that influenced how design decisions were made to this project.

Development details


See the Makefile.PL file for TEST_REQUIRES and PREREQ_PM entries: in order to develop, you will need to install by using cpan or cpanm CLIs.


Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the tests available for this module:

prove -lvm

Here is a sample:

$ prove -lvm
t/Jenkins-i18n.t ....
ok 1 - use Jenkins::i18n;
t/removed_unused.t ..
ok 1 - dies without file parameter
ok 2 - get the expected error message
ok 3 - dies without keys parameter
ok 4 - get the expected error message
ok 5 - dies with invalid keys parameter
ok 6 - get the expected error message
# Without a license
ok 7 - got the expected number of keys removed
ok 8 - resulting properties file has the expected number of lines
ok 9 - dies with invalid license parameter
ok 10 - get the expected error message
# Restoring file
# With a license
ok 11 - got the expected number of keys removed
ok 12 - resulting properties file has the expected number of lines
# Restoring file
# With a backup
ok 13 - got the expected number of keys removed
ok 14 - resulting properties file has the expected number of lines
ok 15 - File has a backup as expected
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=16,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  0.14 cusr  0.01 csys =  0.17 CPU)
Result: PASS

You can also get testing coverage if Devel::Cover is installed:

~/jenkins-translation-tool$ perl Makefile.PL
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for Jenkins::i18n
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json

~/jenkins-translation-tool$ make
Skip blib/lib/Jenkins/ (unchanged)
Skip blib/lib/Jenkins/i18n/ (unchanged)
Skip blib/lib/Jenkins/i18n/ (unchanged)
Skip blib/lib/Jenkins/i18n/ (unchanged)
Skip blib/lib/Jenkins/ (unchanged)
cp lib/Jenkins/i18n/ blib/lib/Jenkins/i18n/
cp bin/jtt blib/script/jtt
"perl" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/jtt
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 5 pod documents

jenkins-translation-tool$ cover -test
Deleting database ~/jenkins-translation-tool/cover_db
cover: running make test "OPTIMIZE=-O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" "OTHERLDFLAGS=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/find_files.t ....... ok   
t/Jenkins-i18n.t ..... ok   
t/load_jelly.t ....... ok   
t/load_properties.t .. ok   
t/proc_opts.t ........ ok    
t/removed_unused.t ... ok     
t/stats.t ............ ok     
t/warnings.t ......... ok     
All tests successful.
Files=8, Tests=99,  3 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.00 sys +  2.53 cusr  0.17 csys =  2.74 CPU)
Result: PASS
Reading database from ~/jenkins-translation-tool/cover_db

---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
File                           stmt   bran   cond    sub    pod   time  total
---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
blib/lib/Jenkins/       91.2   78.5   66.6   92.8  100.0   72.3   87.3
.../Jenkins/i18n/  100.0  100.0   66.6  100.0  100.0    7.5   98.9
...enkins/i18n/  100.0   66.6   33.3  100.0  100.0    6.2   88.3
...lib/Jenkins/i18n/   78.9   83.3    n/a  100.0  100.0    6.8   83.6
.../Jenkins/i18n/   97.3   90.0    n/a  100.0  100.0    6.9   96.4
Total                          94.2   80.4   53.3   98.3  100.0  100.0   91.3
---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

HTML output written to ~/jenkins-translation-tool/cover_db/coverage.html


Copyright and licence

This software is copyright (c) 2022 of Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, arfreitas at

This file is part of Jenkins Translation Tool project.

Jenkins Translation Tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Jenkins Translation Tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jenkins Translation Tool. If not, see (

The original script was licensed through the MIT License, copyright (c) 2004-, Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and a number of other of contributors. Translations files generated by the Jenkins Translation Tool CLI are distributed with the same MIT License.


CLI to generate missing translation keys and missing properties files and remove unused keys for a given language.





