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Releases: gjedeer/tuntox

"A Dope Trailer Is No Place for a Kitty"

07 Dec 10:08
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  • Built against c-toxcore 0.2.13 (which fixes CVE-2021-44847!)
  • Retry lost friend connections
  • Build uses Python3, not Python2
  • Debian package build scripts

The unsigned binaries are built on machines I do not physically own. Use at your own risk.

This release is named after a Trailer Park Boys episode.

"I've Met Cats & Dogs Smarter Than Trevor & Cory!"

22 Oct 12:28
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  • #52 tokssh now optionally has a config file, thanks to @fabrixxm
  • Better logging - including printing your DHT ID, which is useful if you want to run a bootstrap node
  • Built against Toxcore 0.2.8

The unsigned binaries are built on machines I do not physically own. Use at your own risk.

This release is named after a Trailer Park Boys episode.

"Jim Lahey Is a Drunk Bastard"

01 Nov 16:05
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  • Fixed -W option broken in 0.0.7 (@yokujin)
  • Fixed free-after-use crash
  • Added gitversion.h to git repo per package maintainers' requests (@farseerfc, @fgaz)

This release is named after a Trailer Park Boys episode.

"What in the Fuck Happened to Our Trailer Park?"

20 Oct 21:27
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This release changes -P option to -W, for compliance with the SSH client, improves data transfer speed and latency (@ValdikSS) and bumps toxcore version to 0.1.10 and libsodium to 1.0.15.


  • Systemd service file has new security-related options (@fgaz)
  • --help message is nicer thanks to @fgaz
  • Secret support for the tokssh script (@fabrixxm)
  • UDP and TCP listen ports are configurable with -u and -t respectively, and set to random on startup
  • -dd displays toxcore log entries

This release is named after a Trailer Park Boys episode and is dedicated to the memory of John F. Dunsworth.

"Who the Fuck Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?"

07 Jan 19:07
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This release moves from the original libtoxcore to toktok-c-toxcore.

Additionally, it added limits for forwarded hosts/ports on the server (thanks @bonfus ), cleanup of bootstrap process and a generator of currently working bootstrap nodes, ability to store the shared authentication secret in the TUNTOX_SHARED_SECRET variable instead of -s switch (thanks @abbat).

Reportedly, Tuntox is present in Arch AUR repos. I've also seen a patched Debian/Ubuntu build in the qTox repository, but it's now gone.

This release is named after a Trailer Park Boys episode. 99F30B9E67EB1CE233CB839DD8678059FAEB47D6

"I'm Not Gay, I Love Lucy... Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay"

18 Jun 10:41
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This release fixes a bug where repeated connections fail - see #17

Additionally, it introduces a "whitelist mode" on the server, where only whitelisted tox IDs are allowed to connect and create tunnels. The whitelist mode is optional and started with -i switch: see the Security section in readme for more details.

There's a new mirror at

This release is named after a Trailer Park Boys episode. 4F06DCA036626C35A2C1BB64AF2C2E31FD7A3953

"Mr. Lahey's Got My Porno Tape!"

19 Jun 20:08
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This release introduces PSK authentication (shared secret) via the -s command line switch. It also supports the latest toxcore (heavily changed API).

Sorry, no ARM build this time.

It's named after a Trailer Park Boys episode. 47E151800AF76C5D26A4D7645C3028D2B4AFA1B9

"Fuck Community College, Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers"

24 Dec 16:58
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This release has the following new features:

  • Robust logging - log levels, debug/quiet mode, ability to log to syslog or stderr
  • ARM build - the binary has been built on Raspbian and tested on a Raspberry Pi and on an Android phone
  • Ability to fork, setuid and create pidfiles required by classic init subsystem. It's not tested very well, the author uses supervisord.
  • A Debian init script

This release is compiled against the latest toxcore.

It's named after a Trailer Park Boys episode.

"Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park"

16 Dec 21:01
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This release has the following new features:

  • "pipe" mode (forward stdin/out to remote port)
  • A wrapper script "tokssh" to use SSH over tuntox more easily
  • Systemd and supervisord scripts

Also, various fixes, check the log.

It's named after a Trailer Park Boys episode.

Initial release

11 Dec 13:42
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Initial release Pre-release

Initial release - working client and server