This package is a CUI application for creating an address dictionary for use with the address geocoder jageocoder. It can be used when you want to create a dictionary that includes only some prefectures.
For more detailed information, please refer to the Japanese document.
Requires Python 3.7 or later.
Install the package using pip install jageocoder-converter
Remove the directory containing the database.
Then, do pip uninstall jageocoder-converter
Show help with the following command.
python -m jageocoder_converter -h
To create a dictionary, run the following command.
python -m jageocoder_converter
During the process, it downloads the location reference information needed to create the dictionary from the web. Before downloading, you will be prompted with a link to the terms of use. Be sure to read them, and enter a capital 'Y'.
More examples
To create a dictionary, including only 東京都, without records from 住居表示住所, run the following command.
python -m jageocoder_converter --no-jusho 13
You may create a dictionary in the specified directory.
python -m jageocoder_converter --db-dir=oazadb --no-gaiku --no-jusho
If you already understand the terms of use, etc., and want to process it in the background, you can specify the quiet option. It may be useful to add a debug option to check the progress in the log file.
nohup python -m jageocoder_converter --quiet --debug &
- Takeshi SAGARA - Info-proto Co.,Ltd.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This is not the scope of the dictionary data license. Please follow the terms of use of the respective dictionary data.