This year in Scala
Will I break my negative record of last year and do even less than 3 days?
Lack of time is real
Easy once you chunk the input
I never remember how to functionally chunkBy
Still an easy-ish one, but I think it could be made better.
I like scoped-expression vals, very cool with the unzip I had to made but probably a case class would have been better?
Domain modeling is okish, companion object is cool but type system is better in F#
Nice and easy problem solved with Set
s and Range
It took me a long time because I didn't spot the error in the
string reduce(intersect) which at some time outputted a strange "TT"
that had to be re-made into a Set again 🫡
Record broken! Because all the problems were easy and it actually took me more than GPT-3 to solve them. But you can't take a beer with GPT-3, you can with me, that's why I'm better.
Sets and Ranges again, they're very powerful but I think I desire more powerful pattern match for strings.
Doing something like
val s = "3-4,5-7"
s match {
case "{a}-{b},{c}-{d}" => ((a to b), (c to d))
could be extremely powerful and easy. I don't remember where I saw this feature!
The record continues. This year the AoC team probably understood that having hard walls in the first 3 days is not a good way to go, so it's going nice and slow.
Loving scala so far, everything seems more elegant and my solutions are becoming more functional, such a great fold today.
Cool problem probably solved in O(23489234923489234^234894589)
complexity but JVM + M1
are strong enough :D very simple, so far so fun not hitting walls early!
Had to think a bit about this; it was very hard and I had to take suggestions from other code.
I definitely need to be more fluent at trees and stuff.
My first idea of parsing with case objects was actually right, building the state tail-recursively is a pain tho. My string solutions failed on folding back the sizes correctly.
Wow today was super cool and I had a good idea for the algorithm. It just took me a lot of time to implement it. I got lost into the folds and the special cases but in the end it all went well.