Provides an Option
type implementation for PHP.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ghostwriter/option
You can also star (🌟) this repo to find it easier later.
use Ghostwriter\Option\Exception\NullPointerException;
use Ghostwriter\Option\None;
use Ghostwriter\Option\Some;
$greeting = Some::new('Hello World!');
echo $greeting->get(); // 'Hello World!'
$name = None::new();
echo $name->get(); // throw `NullPointerException`
echo $name->getOr('Default Value'); // 'Default Value'
None::new(); // return `None`
Some::nullable(null); // return `None`
Some::new(null); // throw `NullPointerException`
--- Example
function divide(int $x, int $y): OptionInterface
if ($y === 0) {
return None::new();
return Some::new($x / $y);
divide(1, 0); // None
divide(1, 1); // Some(1)
composer test
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