Experiments for serving Jupyter Notebook files through Tornado websockets as an interactive web application.
The client connects to the server through websocket.
The server reads and compiles the Notebook's source code and executes it cell by cell.
The Notebook's source code calls widget functions.
The widgets are sent to the client through the server.
The client displays the widgets as UI components.
The client sends widget input to the server on user interactions.
The server partially re-executes the Notebook with the new input.
+1 Works embedded inside Jupyter without running a server using in-browser Javascript.
So it is basically Streamlit, but it
- does not rerun the whole script on inputs, only the given cells (imitating the normal data science flow: when I modify a cell, I rerun it with the following cells).
- can work without a server and display widgets inside the Notebook during development.
So it is better. 💩
This project is a monorepo containing the following:
- backend (lib): Tornado Web Server + IPython widgets
- frontend: Next.js Web Application
- widget(s): React Component Library
Currently only the dev mode is supported.
- Python >= 3.9 + PiP
- Node.js >= 18.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ./frontend
npm install
Use an existing example or create a new Notebook:
cd ./examples
jupyter notebook
Start backend:
python ./main.py
Start frontend:
cd ./frontend
npm run dev
Then go to http://localhost:3000
Start widget storybook:
cd ./widget
npm run storybook
Then go to http://localhost:6006