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Next.js App Router Template

Fullstack Next.js project template using App Router.


Getting Started

Prepare Database

The database is required for persistence of app data and NextAuth.js sessions.

  1. Install Docker Desktop.

  2. Create and run the database inside a docker container.

    pnpm db:run


You can avoid using docker by setting up a PostgreSQL installation and creating a database with a public schema.

Prepare GitHub OAuth Client

The OAuth client is required to sign in with GitHub account. You can swap providers in src/server/auth.ts if you want to use different identity providers.

  1. Go to
  2. Create a GitHub App.
  3. Save the client ID and client secret for next step.

Create Local Environment

  1. Create a file .env.local in the project directory with the following variables.

    # Database connection string for Next.js app
    # Database connection string for database migration
    # Client ID of GitHub app
    # Client secret of GitHub app
    # Absolute base URL of Next.js app
    # NextAuth.js secret, e.g. generate with "openssl rand -hex 32"
  2. Install pnpm package manager.

  3. Run dependencies installation in the project directory.

    pnpm install
  4. Run database migrations in the project directory.

    pnpm db:migrate
  5. Run development server in the project directory.

    pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser.

Create Production Server

  1. Run production build in the project directory.

    pnpm build
  2. Run production server in the project directory.

    pnpm start

Run Tests

Run component tests in watch mode.

pnpm test

Or execute one single test run.

pnpm test:run

Project Structure

General Structure

  • .idea: Project-specific configuration for WebStorm.
  • .vscode: Project-specific configuration for Visual Studio Code. Contains a launch configuration for debugging in Chrome.
  • drizzle: Drizzle ORM migrations directory. Should only be modified using Drizzle Kit commands.
  • public: Public assets like favicons to include in Next.js app.
  • src/app: Next.js app directory containing routes. See below for more details.
  • src/components: Contains React components shared by the whole Next.js app.
  • src/messages: Contains next-intl translation files for the supported locales.
  • src/schemas: Contains Zod schemas shared by tRPC procedures and client-side form validation.
  • src/server: Contains server-side implementation like tRPC router, Drizzle database client and NextAuth.js configuration. See below for more details.
  • src/test/server.ts: Mock server setup and helper to stub tRPC procedures.
  • src/test/setup.ts: Setup script for Vitest component tests.
  • src/test/utils.ts: Test utilities for Vitest component tests.
  • src/auth.ts: Authentication-specific helpers shared by the whole Next.js app (client-side and server-side).
  • src/env.mjs: Provides type-safe access to environment variables. Variables must be declared here with appropriate Zod schema.
  • src/globals.css: Global stylesheet loaded by root layouts.
  • src/i18n.ts: Internationalization-specific configuration and helpers shared by the whole Next.js app (client-side and server-side).
  • src/messages.d.ts: Type declaration to enable type-safe keys for next-intl functions like useTranslations. Infers type from src/messages/en.json.
  • src/middleware.ts: Next.js middleware executed for every server request except API routes and static ressources. See below for more details.
  • src/navigation.ts: Internationalization-specific navigation configuration, esp. localized route pathnames.
  • src/next-auth.d.ts: Type declaration to augment NextAuth.js session interface to reflect user data provided by session callback in auth options.
  • src/trpc.ts: tRPC client based on React Query. Used for type-safe calls to tRPC procedures from React client components.

App Directory Structure

  • src/app/[locale]: Localized base route for all pages of the app.
    • src/app/[locale]/_components: Contains React components shared by all pages or layouts, e.g. page layout component with common React context providers.
    • src/app/[locale]/_providers: Contains React context providers shared by all pages or layouts.
    • src/app/[locale]/(auth): Route group for authentication-related pages, e.g. sign-in page.
    • src/app/[locale]/(auth)/layout.tsx: Root layout component for authentication-related pages. Demonstrates how to apply different root layout to some pages.
    • src/app/[locale]/(auth)/auth/signin: Contains sign-in page component and its related React components.
    • src/app/[locale]/(default): Route group for all other pages.
    • src/app/[locale]/(default)/layout.tsx: Root layout component for all other pages.
    • src/app/[locale]/(default)/page.tsx: Home page component.
    • src/app/[locale]/(default)/todos: Contains todos page component and its related React components and hooks.
    • src/app/[locale]/[]/page.tsx: Catch-all page component to display "not found" page on unmatched routes.
    • src/app/[locale]/not-found.tsx: Localized "not found" error page component.
  • src/app/api: Base route for all API endpoints of the app.
    • src/app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts: Route handler for NextAuth.js to process authentication.
    • src/app/api/trpc/[trpc]/route.ts: Route handler for tRPC to process calls to tRPC procedures.
  • src/app/layout.tsx: Root layout component. Required as wrapper for error pages.
  • src/app/not-found.tsx: Language-neutral "not found" error page component, e.g. when navigating to unsupported locale.

Server Directory Structure

  • src/server/api: Contains tRPC routers implementing the tRPC procedures.
  • src/server/api/router.ts: Root API router merging all partial routers to one tRPC router.
  • src/server/api/todos/router.ts: Partial tRPC router for todos procedures.
  • src/server/db: Contains Drizzle ORM database client, schema definition and migration script.
  • src/server/db/db.ts: Drizzle ORM database client used to perform database operations in the app.
  • src/server/db/migrate.mjs: Node.js script to run database migrations.
  • src/server/db/schema.ts: Drizzle ORM database schema defining tables and its relations.
  • src/server/auth-i18n-middleware.ts: Partial middleware function to handle i18n on sign-in page. See below for more details.
  • src/server/auth.ts: NextAuth.js configuration defining identity providers, database adapter and more settings.
  • src/server/i18n-middleware.ts: next-intl middleware with i18n configuration.
  • src/server/i18n.ts: next-intl server request config providing messages for React Server Components.
  • src/server/trpc.ts: tRPC server configuration with NextAuth.js session integration for protected procedures.


Next.js middleware is required for two i18n-related features in this project.

  1. Since NextAuth.js has no concept for multi-language support on its pages yet invocations of signIn() will send users to the exact same route /en/auth/signin (configured in NextAuth.js settings) no matter which locale they are currently using. Users coming from a locale other than en would switch to English on the sign-in page. The middleware handles this scenario by checking if the incoming request matches the sign-in page and contains a callback URL with a locale. If so, it extracts the locale from the callback URL (which is the original locale of the user) and redirects to the sign-in page using this original locale. Thus, users coming from the locale de will eventually land on /de/auth/signin and see the German version of the sign-in page.
  2. Next.js has dropped built-in support for internationalized routing with the app router. Instead, developers are supposed to build their own solution which involves creating middleware logic to handle redirects to the user's preferred language. Luckily, next-intl provides a middleware implementation to handle everything for us.
