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A small library to bring hibernate persistence to standalone programs


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A minimalistic interface framework library to hibernate persistence for simple programs that need a database but are small enough to make using Spring or a JEE container just overkill.

Read Hibernate documentation to understand schema generation, transactions and optimistic vs. pessimistic locking.

All this can mostly be done using annotations and a minimal hibernate configuration file. The testing project easyHibernateTest holds examples for configuration files and annotation based schema generation.



Manage hibernate database access for a single database and hide subtleties of the database system and hibernate from application code. More then one DbHibernate object can be used to connect to different databases. Basic configuration is defined in an xml configuration file (default hibernate.cfg.xml), other files can be passed to the constructor. Most additional configuration can (and should) be made using JPA annotations.
This is a "heavy weight" object because connectiong to a database is a complex operation. Thus objects of this class should be constructed at program start and closed before its end.

Database sessions are provided by this class. These are "light weight" objects that typically group a set of cohesive database operations. In most cases, session management can be delegated to DaoHibernate objects. So session objects usually don't show up in application code when using this library.


Dao implementation for Hibernate 5.x persistence layer. Goal is to encapsulate a reasonable set of database operations with hibernate persistence layer, manage sessions and transactions and provide several query methods including Query By Example (QBE).
Every persistent class usually has its own DaoHibernate object. Inheritance is fully supported. Sessions are created, if not already existent, for all operations. Transactions are automatically started for update operations, if not existent. If a transition is already running, further updates are automatically added to the transaction scope. This works across all DAO objects bound to the same DbHibernate! So don't forget to commit or rollback your changes at the end of a group of cohesive updates! Calling commit() on any of the affected DAOs is sufficient.

Using this library

Use jar file

Just download the latest jar from the libs directory and use in your project.

No Maven artifact

Sorry, I don't spend the effort to publish this project on a maven repository. If you like this library and are experienced with maven, you are welcome to join and do it.

Using Gradle multi-project builds

Gradle documentation explains how to work with several subprojects in one root project.

Automatic integration into a Gradle project with Alex Vasilkovs GradleGitDependencyPlugin

This plugin clones a selected version of a git based project into a directory (typically libs) of a local Gradle project and adds it as an implementation dependency. The testing project uses this scheme an can be used as a template for own projects.

To use the plugin, two files must be extended. The very beginning of settings.gradle must specify the plugin:

    plugins statement has to be at the very top of this file
plugins {
    id 'com.alexvasilkov.git-dependencies' version '2.0.4'

The build.gradle file references the git library you want to import:

git {
    implementation '', {
        name 'easyHibernate'
        tag 'V1.1.2'

That's all. Gradle will clone the referenced projects and include them in its builds, using reasonable defaults. On Alex' site you can find details about further configuration options. One advantage of this approach is that source code is automatically available, can be tailored to your own needs and saved in your own git repository. A slight disadvantage is that imported source code is checked for changes in every build.


QA tests are laid off to a separate project easyHibernateTest. This was done for following reasons:

  1. Project size - some of the tests are run against a quite large database with more than 300,000 rows. Using the preferred method of integration (see above) into other projects would involve cloning all these test data.
  2. Integration example - the test project integrates this library as sources into its gradle project structure. So it can easily be used as a template for own integrations.


A small library to bring hibernate persistence to standalone programs








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