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Writing a Blog Post

Param Siddharth edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

Writing a Blog Post

To write a post for the blog, follow the following steps:

  1. Inside public/users/your-username/blogs, create a new file with the .md extension of the following format:

    title:  A Nice Title for the Post
    date:   2022-01-01 07:00:00 PM
    Hello! This is my first blog post, everyone. In this post, I will
    talk about my new event with @ghost. It was so awesome!

    A new branch will be created with the file committed.

    The value for the date must follow the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM format, and must be in IST (Indian Standard Time).

    You can use all Markdown features in the post contents, including adding images!

    You can also mention any GitHub user by their username prefixed with an '@'.

  2. Create a pull request from that branch to the main branch.

  3. Wait for the test(s) to finish and merge the PR!

Congratulations! You just posted on the Campus Experts India blog.

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